Shadow Warlock, Soul Badge and Mystic Badge - Blade & Soul …
Feb 8, 2019 · Third is the 5% crit damage buff the badge applies on top of the wingstorm CD you get from it. While I agree right now, I have been giving it the doubt because of awakening. Limitless is still going to be proc'd with Soul Shackle, however it's going to be fixed to snare/root due to the whole skill specialisation thing.
Soul flare failed - Warden - Blade & Soul Forums
Jan 3, 2019 · Another thing to note is warlocks with VT badge running time distortion. VT badge enhanced time distortion cuts off part of the cool down timer on skills that can't be reset so if you had a VT badge warlock stick their thrall on you then use time distortion your soul flare will come off cool down with about 30 seconds still left on the debuff that prevents you from using it again.
Is War Song Soul Badge the best badge of this season?
Jun 30, 2019 · Greetings, warriors! I saw on YouTube some videos about War Song SB, that seems to be a really good badge to increase dps by a lot, for example for Warrior. 2 days ago I finally got the Songbird SB for my Reaper Destroyer (I don't have the other SB to fuse and I don't have the Divine Grace Stone ...
VT badge mat account bound - Blade & Soul Forums
Jan 8, 2019 · Will the VT badge mats (Frostburn Orb, Heart of the Great Thrall, Iron Conqueror Medallion) be made account bound soon? I think it's strange how every single other item from the raid can be sent to alts (HQ wings, HQ hearts, HQ weapon mats, not accessories obviously) but those 3, which are shared...
Way of the Reaper? - Player to Player Support - Blade & Soul Forums
Apr 8, 2021 · Ok I'm a returning player, I haven't played since this game came out and a lot has changed. I created a warlock and I've already got to lv 60 HM 16 and I completed the Legacy of Hongmoon quest.
Soul Badge - Blade Master - Blade & Soul Forums
Mar 22, 2018 · For fire, Ancestral helps (along with dragontongue) reduce tab cd so you can make more use of the mystic badge effects. Rotation: V C Tab > 7rb > V Tab > 7rb > X Tab > rb until tab is up > C Tab > 7rb > Z rb 4 Tab > 7rb
Ice vs Earth with top gear - Soul Fighter - Blade & Soul Forums
Oct 20, 2017 · when i try earth (now still without green earth badge) i can easy do 128k dps. 178 cobalt, 147 claw, 24king fist (8 use include 3 from z) and 26 Iron shoulder. With green Earth Badge will be at least 10 more iron shoulders but watching*** and riding abut Earth with this badge you have 100% time buff from Bracelet.
Soul fighter mystic badge - Soul Fighter - Blade & Soul Forums
Apr 18, 2017 · BalefulThere is one mystic badge that I think is a must. It´s 60 Twilight Flowers and 20000 Peaches (I don´t remember the name right now). With the badge every right click will cut 4 seconds of your cool down on V. I love it, I can be all the time spamming my kamehameha at fast speed. Edit: Found the video I wacthed before getting the badge.
The Exchange Badges - General Discussion - Blade & Soul Forums
Feb 12, 2020 · IF you want to exchange it for the first set of legendary soul badges that was released you can. If you want to exchange an old soul badge for one that was released during season of liberty or during the current season you cannot.
Warlock Reaver Rotation - Blade & Soul Forums
Jul 16, 2021 · In the case of reaver skills you need to manually do are Doom, Soul Reave, Undercut, Reap if using that. As for rotation, you want to get Undercut off cooldown as quick as possible as it's your main dmg dealer by using Doom. And to reset Doom you use Soul Reave, quite simple tbf 😛. Then using anything else to increase your reaver form, like ...