SRB2 Riders 2.1 - SRB2 Message Board
Jan 8, 2016 · Not much more can be said by the thread topic alone. SRB2 Riders is being ported to 2.1, but in a more simplistic way. This version of SRB2 Riders requires no EXE, which means all of this works straight through Vanilla SRB2. Unlike the Original, and because of actual development, there will be no kart mode for this. Instead, there are 2 types ...
Riders Sonic - SRB2 Message Board
Mar 7, 2023 · 3, 2, 1, GO! Sonic forgot that he have a Hoverboard, so I reminded him about it. Plus, now hoverboard can change colors! recommended - Blueberry I hope you'll like it, see you on the race! I used this template for sprites P.s. you can text...
[Open Assets] - The Phantom Rider! | SRB2 Message Board
Jul 16, 2024 · "The Phantom Rider" from the Sonic IDW comics smashes onto the track to steal 1st place! ...that's it. that's all I got. There's not much else to say other than the fact that the kart sprites don't have the iconic scarf (I tried, I'm not skilled enough at sprite-work to make the thing look terribly good when in the actual game)
[Open Assets] SRB2 Riders 2.46.5 - SRB2 Message Board
Jan 20, 2012 · SRB2 Riders is finally ready for a release. Well, at least a beta release. Why a beta? Because it's Sonic's 20th Anniversary, that's why! Single Player is clearly unfinished. Without testing, I'm sure NextLevel works the same as in Multiplayer, so no Credits or Unlockables. No 3D models either. And I'm sure there's quite a few broken stuff ...
Dark Rider Shadow (with chaos powers!) 1.0a - SRB2 Message Board
Jun 4, 2024 · Just giving him back his bike wasn't enough for me. I wanted shadow to REALLY stand out from the crowd! He has more then a couple unique traits that help give him his own identity, largest of which being his unique item reskins!
Kart Characters - SRB2 Message Board
Mar 8, 2021 · Sonic, Tails, and Metal Sonic on Foot with Proper Platforming Physics! ... Frostbrush's character mods ...
SRB2 Message Board
SRB2 Message Board
[Open Assets] Sonic Adventure style HUD 3 - SRB2 Message Board
Jan 1, 2020 · Simple little HUD mod that replaces the stage title, time, rings and lives displays, as well as hiding score, to make it look a bit more like Sonic Adventure. It also has its own, "smart" boss meter, which won't show the boss meter for a boss you're not in the vicinity of, as well as figure out which one you're actively fighting in maps with ...
Alternative controller UI mods | SRB2 Message Board
May 25, 2024 · Since the default Saturn UI icons may be a bit confusing for people who uses other controllers, I've made some mods to change those. Warning: These mods only really works if you use the default button layout for the controller Warning2 : Despite only replacing graphics, those mods doesn't seem to be compatible with online play. Any help is ...
Sonic 2006 MOD! (Free of glitches) - SRB2 Message Board
Sep 10, 2017 · Hey, It's good to help a bit in the 2006 project, well, was less important, I mean, I just remade the riders monitor box sprites, this is a suprise for me, my tiny and remade-riders-monitor-box sprites are in beautifull maps (lol) , so, talking about the mod, I didn't passed at 100%, just finished at a half of Flame Core (basically passed the ...