Australian Children's Charity Supporting Education | The Smith …
1 in 6 Australian children live in poverty. The Smith Family is an Australian Children's charity helping young people living in disadvantage by supporting their education and helping them break the cycle of poverty.
The Smith Family logo and is to be used in all material for VIEW Clubs of Australia.
Our History | The Smith Family Children's Charity
The Smith Family’s vision – a better future for young Australians in need – was truly born. With the help of caring Australians, food and clothing packages were delivered, and hospitals and orphanages were established to help the most vulnerable members of society.
100 Years of The Smith Family
Jan 24, 2022 · This year marks The Smith Family’s Centenary, a chance to look back on 100 years of improving the lives of young Australians in need. The Smith Family was founded in 1922 by five businessmen who were surprised by the extent …
Fundraising for The Smith Family
Every child deserves a chance and by fundraising in support of The Smith Family you’re helping disadvantaged children succeed at school. There’s a variety of ways to get involved and give back, choose from one of the below options and we’ll be there to …
Shop with us | Charity gifts and cards - The Smith Family
Our Christmas cards are in both printed or e–card formats, order your charity Christmas cards for your company and include your logo and a personal greeting. Order cards The Smith Family retail stores
Important Notice: The Smith Family does not offer loans to the …
Nov 21, 2024 · We've been made aware of some fraudulent activity on social media claiming to offer "No Interest Loans" using The Smith Family’s name or logo, along with other charities. These scams may ask for personal details, including your MYGov account information.
View Club | Voice, Interest And Education Of Women - The Smith …
VIEW’s 13,264 members share the common purpose of exclusively supporting the children’s education charity, The Smith Family. Founded by The Smith Family in 1960, VIEW women are empowered by the positive difference they make to the lives of disadvantaged Australian children and young people.
DGR status - The Smith Family
The Smith Family, is a registered charity, sub-type public benevolent institution, and has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status so your donation will be tax deductible. You can claim a tax deduction, at tax time, for donations of $2 or more.
Our Let's Count Maths Program | The Smith Family
Developed by The Smith Family, Professor Bob Perry (Charles Sturt University) and Associate Professor Ann Gervasoni (Monash University), the program focuses on children aged three to five years to familiarise them with numeracy through simple, everyday situations.