Shortcut Key for Backward Slash "\"? - Microsoft Community
Dec 6, 2010 · I presume you don't have it on your keyboard. It has the ASCI code of 92, so you can generate it by holding the ALT key down and typing 092 on the numeric keypad, which may be marginally quicker than Insert | Symbol. Hope this helps. Pete
Can't do a / symbol on my french canadian multilingual standard ...
Windows provides a built-in virtual keyboard that you can use to type the forward slash (/). Here are the steps. Press Win + R to open the Run dialog box. Type osk and press Enter to start the on-screen keyboard. Type the forward slash using the on-screen keyboard . Find the / key on the on-screen keyboard. Click it to type the forward slash ...
How do I get rid of e with an accent (é) as my slash keyÉ (and ...
Aug 30, 2020 · It seems that you want to get rid of a French E when typing a question mark or slash key in Word. As you post it in other /unknown category, I assume you are not using Windows 10. (If I misunderstand your scenario, please point out.)
My keyboard forward slash is not working - Microsoft Community
Sep 26, 2021 · -Expand the Keyboard -Look for Keyboard driver that was installed -Right click and Update -Look for "Browse my computer for driver -Let me pick drivers available drivers -Choose an old driver and use it. Restart your computer and check the keyboard. Please let me know how it goes. Have a wonderful day ahead and stay safe. Sincerely,
How do I get rid of e with an accent (é) as my slash keyÉ (and ...
May 22, 2024 · Regarding your issue where typing the slash (/) key and question mark (?) key results in the accented "é" character in Windows 11, this could be due to keyboard layout or input method settings. Here are some possible solutions: 1. Check Language Settings and Keyboard Layout: • Open "Settings" > "Time & language" > "Language & region".
when i type a forward slash i get é - Microsoft Community
Jan 7, 2011 · c. Switch to Keyboard and languages tab. d. Click on Change keyboard. e. Under installed services, remove other services and keep English US . Step 2: Test the issue using on screen keyboard. To use on-screen keyboard, follow the steps below. a. Click on Start; type “On-screen” without quotes and hit Enter. b. Now check if the issue ...
My forward slash key doesn't work, however the question mark …
Dec 1, 2018 · Forward slash does work when I'm in the windows startup entering my password; Forward slash does not do anything, nor does it print another symbol or letter; My language is English (United States) My keyboard is US- QWERTY and I have also tried US- International, both of which did not produce any results; I have not set up speech recognition
Windows 10 automatically typing slash (/) - Microsoft Community
Sep 3, 2015 · I suggest you to update the drivers for keyboard from Device Manager and check if it helps. Steps: Right click on the Start button, click on Device Manager. Expand Keyboard, right click on the drivers found and click on Update Driver Software. Also, try to search for the drivers from Manufacturer's website and install them in the compatibility ...
Symbol keys are displaying French characters instead
Jan 21, 2025 · The keyboard on my Lenovo laptop is displaying French characters rather than the intending symbol. For example, pressing the -forward slash key- causes -é- to be displayed. I tried using quotation marks when writing that last sentence, but È was displayed instead.
Slash key isn't working - Microsoft Community
May 26, 2022 · -What kind of keyboard you are using is it the built in keyboard, external wired keyboard, or a wireless keyboard. I'll look forward for your response so that I can provide an accurete recommendation. Have a wonderful day ahead and stay safe. Sincerely, Carlo T.