Single edge blade guide
May 15, 2012 · These single edge blades are a favorite among customers who want the benefits of a stainless steel razor blade. Each shipped blade is protected in shelling paper.
Single Edge Blades - Badger & Blade
Jul 1, 2022 · Hi, i have a Gem razor, what are some good or popular single edge blades? I picked up the razor and a hand full of blades in a pass box some years ago. The blades were great, but I don’t remember what they were, any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciate. Thanks in advance. Hank
Single Edge razors? Why do people love them? - Badger & Blade
Feb 28, 2023 · I see a lot of posts about various single-edge razors with users extolling their virtues. What is so great about these razors? While I can find DE blades at most pharmacies or big box stores, SE or Injector blades are MIA and apparently online-only options. How much of it is just nostalgia...
New Supply single edge Pro - Badger & Blade
Feb 9, 2022 · Starting a thread for discussion of the new Supply Pro razor which began shipping to kickstarter orders in February 2022. Let's discuss their other new razor, the new Supply SE in this thread.
Can you load a single edge razor with double-edge blades?
Jun 27, 2011 · Looking at picking up a vintage single edge razor, but have never used one before. Can you load double edge razor blades into a single edge razor (Gem Micromatic Twist is the one I am looking at)?
Help me understand SE razors | Badger & Blade
Dec 17, 2024 · Actually for most people it's the opposite of this: Single edge blades are good for more shaves usually than double edge blades. Single edge blades are also more rigid than double edge blades, which some say provides an easier and more consistent shave.
Double Edge Razors vs Single Edge Razors - Badger & Blade
Apr 30, 2016 · If I get razor "chatter" from a DE blade flexing in use, I get ingrown hairs. These days, I only use Feather DE blades & only use DE razors that really clamp the blade down firmly. I find that the different types of SE razor I own all shave quite differently.
Single edge razors that take half DE blades? | Badger & Blade
Mar 23, 2022 · I don't understand the reasoning here. Just use one edge for each shave or do two shaves with both edges. You don't need another razor. You may want to look at single edge razors; one of the injector razors but those blades give multiple shaves.
Amakuni - first Tatara single-edge razor - Badger & Blade
Oct 24, 2024 · Two years ago, we reached out to you, our loyal community, to gather insights on what you’d love to see in a Single-Edge Razor. Your feedback was invaluable. We learned that preferences for blades and razor designs vary significantly, and this gave us a clearer understanding of the advantages and challenges of single-edge razors.
Single Edge vs Double Edge - Badger & Blade
Jul 31, 2018 · SEs are a great alternative to DEs, or just as a change of pace. Single edge razors use different blades than double edge razors. SE blades are thicker and stiffer than DE blades. The thicker blade gives a different feel and some would say a better shave. The SE is held at a different angle than a DE. With a DE, you’re riding the cap, while an SE you start with the head …