Why is Shining Armor sometimes arrogant? - MLP:FiM Canon …
Sep 28, 2014 · Would her friends abandon her forever? Or would they all come back? Why is Shining Armor so overprotective of his wife. Why would he hate his sister simply for insulting his wife? Look I know she is royalty and it is wrong to insult royalty. But shouldn't Shining Armour simply reassure her ''Look Twilight, she is not evil. Everything will be OK''.
Could Shining Armor And Vinyl Scratch Be Twins? - MLP Forums
Nov 30, 2013 · No way. It's Twilight and Shining Armor. Those are the only two. If there even was another pony, Twilight would have mentioned it when they talked about shining armor Besides, Twilight was alone without friends and Shining armor was her only friend; she didn't have another sibling. Edited November 30, 2013 by Jokuc
Master List of MLP Ship Names
Jun 11, 2014 · TwiArmor - Twilight Sparkle x Shining Armor Twilestia - Twilight Sparkle x Celestia TwiLuna - Twilight Sparkle x Luna TwiMac - Twilight Sparkle x Big Mac Twixie - Twilight Sparkle x Trixie Big Mac Ships (some are repeated from above, just for the sake of having all his ships in one place) AppleMac - Applejack x Big Mac. BigBurn - Big Mac x Braeburn
How do stallions get coloured hooves? - MLP:FiM Canon …
Feb 1, 2019 · Sunburst is not a stallion hoove type like Shining Armor or Big Mac , his hooves type is the smooth one similar to that of most stallions and all or most mares , and the reason it's a different color is became of his coat or skin pigmentation since …
Twilight and Shining Armor's brother sister relationship. - MLP:FiM ...
Jul 6, 2013 · So..I just recently finished season 2 of MLP again and I noticed something. In episode 25 of season two, Shining Armor is revealed to be Twilight's older brother and the nephew to Celestia. But a few things in my mind exactly don't add up. If Shining is Celestia's nephew, does that make him Luna's nephew as well, because from what I remember.
How would Shining Armor stack up to Big Mac? - MLP:FiM Canon …
Mar 27, 2017 · If Shining gets anywhere near this mofo, he will get pwned in 2 seconds flat. Shining has the magicks tho, so we must take his ranged potential into consideration. My guess is things would be pretty close either way about it. As long as Shining is on his "A" game and doesn't let Mac near him he could take home a flawless victory.
Shining Armor and Big Mac - MLP:FiM Canon Discussion - MLP
May 4, 2014 · Shining Armor seems to be more dynamic than Bic Macintosh, but I guess that could work. However Shining Armor is in the Crystal Empire and Big Mac is in Ponyville, not sure they'll meet each other someday. Edited May 4, 2014 by Blobulle
Discussing Shining Armor and the Canterlot wedding rehearsal
Sep 19, 2013 · Guys, for what may be the first time in my existence on this forum, I've decided to open up a simple "what if" discussion on Shining Armor and how he treated Twilight at the wedding rehearsal, and the "what if" part asks the possibility of "A Canterlot Wedding" becoming a three-parter or an extended two-parter (which obviously didn't happen).
How old are Shining Armor and Princess Cadance compared to
Apr 6, 2013 · Based on the flashbacks in A Canterlot Wedding, I'd say Twilight is 8 and both Cadance and Shining Armor are 15, so around 7 years older than Twilight. In present day, I'd say Twilight is 19, making Cadance and Shining Armor 26.
Honestly Shining Armor deserved to be a alicorn as much as
May 11, 2024 · Credit to DashieSparkle for the photo. I didn't meant it's canon only princesses can be alicorns, but that's what have been shown so far, so I said that Hasbro wanted the princesses to look more special than other ponies, no wonder why Twilight became one just right after receiving her wings, as said by Celestia she's a princess now.