Where do the cat skin used to skin shamisen come from?
Jun 14, 2015 · Actually, the skins came from dogs/cats prepared to be eaten. Update: As of this year, production of the skin has completely ended, due to the lowering skin quality as well as being banned from the countries it was made in. All remaining cat/dog skin in Japan will be gone in a year or two.
Shamisen - Wikipedia
Traditionally, skins were made using dog or cat skin, with cat skin favored for finer instruments; [2]: 257–258 though use of animal skins was common throughout the 20th century, use of these skins gradually fell out of favor, starting around the mid 2000s, due to social stigma and the decline of workers skilled in preparing these particular ...
Bizarre musical instrument made of cat skins continues to cause ...
Oct 25, 2022 · Out of a batch of Thai dog and cat skin, only 20% or so is usable. From a peak of 18,000 shamisens a year at the beginning of the 1970s, annual production has shrunk to a few thousand. Experiments with substitutes, such as specially …
Japanese banjo, shamisen, made of domestic cat skin – Michael Broad - PoC
Oct 24, 2022 · The shamisen is made from mulberry wood, sandalwood, silk and ivory according to The Times newspaper. It is also made of the cured skin of a domestic cat (and dog).
Cat Skins on Shamisens and Unforeseen Consequences
May 26, 2022 · Due to their skins being used to provide the newly blind with shamisens, fewer cats result in an increase in the mouse population. In their frenzy for food, the unchecked mice nibble at barrels,...
Japan: Finale for the world's most elegant use of a dead cat
Nov 15, 1997 · "The thickness of cat skin used on shamisen varies subtly from the centre to the edges," says Eiji Tokiwaza, a player of traditional shamisen ballads. "The subtle difference gives an...
How to Reskin a Shamisen: A Complete Guide - Multy Press
May 17, 2023 · Reskinning a shamisen involves replacing the worn-out or damaged skin, which produces the sound when played. It is a delicate process that requires patience, precision, and attention to detail. Choosing the right type of skin is crucial, as it can have a significant impact on the sound produced.
Shamisen Body – Shamisen Japan
It is the skin affixed to the torso, but the real animal skin is used. The Hoso-zao such as Nagauta is a bisect of the skin of the cat and is called “YOTSU (four)” because four traces of the nipple are visible. The skin is thin and easy to break, but it is suitable for delivering delicate sounds.
The Shamisen's Purr: Cat Skin And Sound | PetShun
Oct 29, 2024 · The shamisen is a traditional Japanese musical instrument with a unique twangy tone. Its body, called the dō, is covered front and back with skin, which is where the cat skin comes in. Traditionally, shamisen were crafted from dog or cat skin, with cat skin being favoured for finer instruments.
15 Mind-Blowing Facts On Shamisen Traditional Music Instrument!
Nov 16, 2021 · A compact square body which is covered with cat skin from back and front, with three twisted like silk strings, and a curved shaped back pegbox with some side pegs make up this instrument. Shamisen music is usually played with a big plectrum or 'bachi', a small flat tool.