Shadow assassin tips | Hypixel Forums
Apr 10, 2020 · Those pieces of crap are the reason why speedruns i do with my friends take 4 minutes longer. They result in 3 deaths and are just annoying. However I saw many people with worse gear than me and my teammates easily solo and beat them. Some of them are even in zombie soldier (much less e hp than...
Why shadow assassin is the best (high effort) | Hypixel Forums
Oct 19, 2019 · Ok so shadow assassin is the best armor. Why? Well, you get it on floor five and master mode floor 5, which means that it’s better than floor 7 gear as it can be obtained in MASTER mode 5 (I think source is my ass) and this also means that livid dagger and shadow fury as well as fot is better...
Shadow Assassin Cloak - Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
Shadow Assassin Cloak Strength: +20 Speed: +3 On teleport: Your next melee hit within 5s deals 10% more damage. This item can be reforged! Requires The Catacombs Floor V Completion. EPIC DUNGEON CLOAK: Livid Fragment RARE DUNGEON ITEM ⚚ Shadow Assassin Cloak Strength: +25 Speed: +5 On teleport: Your next melee hit within 5s deals 10% more damage.
What is the drop chance of a Shadow Assassin Chestplate
Jun 24, 2020 · (@unhonestly i finally did it yay now just another painful number of hours) Trying to grind for a SA chest. I know it's 6 mil from bedrock, but is there a specific drop chance? The drop chance for a SA chest is 0.5% (1/200)
Should i buy crimson armor or keep my shadow assassin armor?
Feb 9, 2024 · Keep the shadow assassin it's better in dungeons, but get crimson at some point as well. 2 mindhooked
[GUIDE] Best Berserker Build for Dungeons (As of Sep 21st, 2020)
Sep 21, 2020 · Armor: 5-star shadow assassin/Leg 5-star zombie knight with spirit boots/5-star adaptive armor Sword: Livid dagger/Spirit sword/Silent Death (if you're using shadow assassin) + Hyper cleaver for blood room. Pet: Above lvl 80 leg tiger/wither skeleton, or leg ender dragon, Pet Item: Probably a skill xp boost to get closer to lvl 100.
Shadow Assassin Armor - Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
When every piece of Shadow Assassin Armor is worn, players gain the following bonus: Full Set Bonus: Shadow Assassin Collect the shadows of the enemies you kill increasing your damage for the rest of the dungeon while wearing this set. +1 Strength every kill. Per-Piece Bonuses. Each piece of Shadow Assassin Armor has a unique passive bonus:
Superior Dragon or Shadow Assassin? | Hypixel Forums
Nov 24, 2019 · before i quit the game in early 2021, most people believed that shadow assassin armor was better than superior overall. however, a lot has changed since i quit, and i want to know which set is regarded as better. i know that there are better options than either of these sets, but i just want an answer to this frequently-asked question
(sorta) Back-to-Back Shadow Assassins Chestplate drops (NO RNG …
Dec 15, 2019 · In mid-April, after over 250 runs, I eventually got a Shadow Assassin Chestplate drop. This was just what I needed to complete the set for Museum! I decided to add it (and the other 3 pieces) to Museum, and went to play other floors and the newly-released Crimson Isles. (idk why I didn't take a ss of me getting SA cp, but I do have Museum proof)
Best ultimate enchant for Shadow Assassin armor?
Feb 21, 2021 · best ult enchant for dungeons is probably last stand for you (will help keep you alive), though if you can buy either counter strike 5 or legion 5 lol