Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Vol 1 4
Rogue is referring to her tenure with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants from Avengers Annual #10 to her joining the X-Men in Uncanny X-Men #171. Ben Grimm changes back into his Thing …
Secret Wars - Wikipedia
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars, commonly known as Secret Wars, is a 12-issue American comic book crossover limited series published from May 1984 to April 1985 by Marvel Comics. …
Secret Wars (1984-1985) Reading Order - Omniverse Comics Guide
Aug 9, 2023 · Note: The 1984 ‘Secret Wars’ event is not to be confused with SECRET WAR (2004-2005) SECRET WAR (2004-2006) or SECRET WARS (2015-2016). Want to keep it …
Secret Wars (1984 Event) | Marvel Database | Fandom
Secret Wars is the title of Marvel's first ever company-wide crossover event. It was the first crossover event to include all company properties in the history of comics. Secret Wars was …
Rogue | Secretwars Wiki | Fandom
Rogue Anna Marie F) Ex20 A) Ex20 S) Am50 E) Am50 R) Gd10 I) Gd10 P) Ty6 Health: 140 Karma: 26 Resources: Gd Pop: 0 Known Powers: Flight: Rm airspeed Body Armor: In …
The Official Marvel Guide to Every 'Secret Wars'
Jul 7, 2023 · Learn everything you need to know about 'Secret Wars' and how each 'Secret Wars' event changed the Marvel Universe forever. SPIDER-VERSE. SECRET INVASION. INFINITY …
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Characters - Comic Vine
Rogue 12. The adopted daughter of Mystique, Rogue was once a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Now reformed, Rogue has become a veteran member of the X-Men.
Secret Wars : r/MarvelLegends - Reddit
Aug 10, 2023 · We really need a Secret Wars-era Rogue. Wouldn't mind Wasp either. And She-Hulk! Almost. Isn’t that the Eric Masterson Thor? Great lineup. It’s Thor Odinson. I don’t think …
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Vol 1 1
Finding Doctor Doom lying in the rubble, Captain America tries to help him to his feet. Doom is unable to tolerate the heroes' pity and he attacks them in frustration, before fleeing.
Secret Wars (1984) (Comic Book) - TV Tropes
Secret Wars is a twelve-issue comic book Crisis Crossover limited series published from May 1984 to April 1985 by Marvel Comics, written by Jim Shooter (also the Editor-In-Chief of …