Samurai Armor, Clothing & Accessories: Traditional & Handmade
Shop authentic Samurai armor, clothing & accessories: Budo training, COSPLAY, LARP & display. Full-sized & functional with worldwide delivery
Samurai Armor, Clothing, Accessories and Gift Sales
On sale, discounted and/or discontinued samurai armor, parts and accessories. The same quality crafted items you can expect from the Iron Mountain Armory now on sale.
Sendan-no-ita & Kyubi-no-ita : Samurai Armor Armpit Protector / …
Sendan No-Ita & Kyubi-no-ita (armor plated armpit protectors) where worn on O-Yoroi samurai armor sets and continued to be used into the mid / late Muromachi era (1336 ~ 1573).
Kiritsuke-Kozane no Egawa Hara-ate Do: Samurai Yoroi Cuirass
Kiritsuke-Kozane no Egawa Hara-ate Do is a tosei (modern post 1550) cuirass made from lamellae style plating featuring egawa (leather with painted designs) covering the top 3 plates. …
Samurai Armor Parts
Samurai Armor Parts. Yoroi are armor parts which make up a full samurai armor set. Custom build your own samurai armor piece by piece. Online Store.
Shinobi No O - Samurai Armor, Helmet, Clothing & Accessories
Feb 12, 2025 · Shinobi No O or “ Kabuto No O ” is the cord which is used to tie the kabuto around the menpo (face armor) / chin of the warrior. It easily slides through the loops within the kabuto …
Byo no Kogai Kanamono - shop.samurai-armor.com
Byo no Kogai Kanamono – Gashira are our mid-range quality brass decorative fittings used on the sode (shoulder guards). The byo (rivet) attaches the decorative brass bar to the sode and …
Hasso no Kanamono, Hasso-no-Byo for Samurai Armor Yoroi Parts
Hasso no Kanamono are decorative plating used on samurai armor yoroi to support byo (rivets), hasso-no-byo and armor plating. Samurai Armor parts for sale.
Manju-Wa (Shoulder / Underarm Armor) Auxiliary Samurai Under …
Manju-Wa (Manju no wa) is an auxiliary armor often worn under the Do (Samurai cuirass) as a removable / replaceable under armor. The manju-wa provided a flexible mail or kikko plating (brigandine) style of armor for added protection for the upper torso, neck, shoulders and under armpit, without impeding the samurai’s movement.
Nodowa: Throat protector Samurai Armor Gorget Accessory
Nodowa is a “bib like” neck protector composed of a U shaped plate armor that hangs from the neck covering the chest and throat area. In the West it is known as a Gorget.