Sith Warrior - Star Wars: The Old Republic | Game Overview
A Sith Warrior’s skills with a lightsaber are unrivaled. Driving at their enemies with strong, crushing blows, the Warrior quickly beats his foes into submission or death. Though the lightsaber is the Warrior’s primary method of attack, he also uses his dark command of the Force to paralyze, terrify, and kill.
HOLONET - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Fighting Style: Single Lightsaber, Heavy Armor. Tactical Role(s): Melee Tank, Melee Damage. A stalwart defender of the Sith Empire, the Juggernaut embodies the teachings of Marka Ragnos, charging into enemies with heavy armor and pure rage. Vengeance The Juggernaut stops at nothing to crush enemies, obliterating them with heavy hits. Shatter ...
Videos - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Sith Warrior Progression Take a look at this Sith Warrior as he develops and amasses power in The Old Republic™. While there are many paths to choose from, this example gives you a small glimpse of the armor and abilities a Sith Warrior can claim as he pursues his own destiny.
sith warrior - Star Wars: The Old Republic
An unstoppable force of darkness, the Sith Warrior is entrusted with the task of destroying the Empire’s enemies and enforcing Sith domination across the galaxy. The Warrior channels the destructive emotions of fear, anger, and hatred to purge weakness from body and mind and become a being of pure, brutal efficiency.
HOLONET - Star Wars: The Old Republic
An unstoppable force of darkness, the Sith Warrior is entrusted with the task of destroying the Empire’s enemies and enforcing Sith domination across the galaxy. The Warrior channels the destructive emotions of fear, anger, and hatred to purge weakness from body and mind and become a being of pure, brutal efficiency.
News, Updates, Developer Blogs - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Mar 11, 2024 · Complete Missions as a Jedi Consular or a Sith Inquisitor Origin. The Distant Outer Rim: Complete Repeatable, Exploration, or Bonus Missions while defeating enemies on Belsavis, Hoth, Rishi, or Tatooine. To locate Exploration Missions throughout the Galaxy, check 'Show Exploration Missions' on the World Map Legend. Legacies of the Underworld
Developer Update: Sith Warrior Class Changes
As such, I’m here to shed some light on the changes to the Sith Warrior class in Game Update 2.0. We’ll be writing about recent class changes coming to The Old Republic, but this time we’re going a little more in depth and taking on one class (for both factions) at a time.
Videos - Star Wars: The Old Republic
An unstoppable force of darkness, the Sith Warrior is entrusted with the task of destroying the Empire’s enemies and enforcing Sith domination across the galaxy. The Warrior channels the destructive emotions of fear, anger, and hatred to purge weakness from body and mind and become a being of pure, brutal efficiency.
Empire - Star Wars: The Old Republic | HOLONET
Allows the Warrior greater control of the Force and further mastery of the Shii-Cho form. Obliterate. Instant. Cooldown: 15 secs Range: 15m Jumps to a target, impaling it for 307-363 weapon damage. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding. Shockwave. Passive
Game Update 6.0: Onslaught | Star Wars: The Old Republic
Oct 22, 2019 · Sith Warrior. Sith Warrior Set Bonuses. The following set bonuses have been added to the game at level 75, available for all Sith Warriors: Descent of the Fearless (2) +2% Mastery (4) Whenever you gain or use a Furious Power ability charge while in combat, your damage is increased by 10% for 10 seconds.