SPQR - Riordan Wiki
The initials SPQR are seen on Jason Grace's arm with an eagle (Jupiter's symbol) and twelve bar lines for his twelve years of service in the legion. Camp Jupiter's shirt. The Son of Neptune. All centurions are seen with the SPQR tattoo along with their …
SPQR - Camp Jupiter Wiki | Fandom
SPQR stood for 'Senatus Populusque Romanus.' It was the motto of Imperial Rome. The meaning was "The Senate and People of Rome". At Camp Jupiter, a full member of the Legion gets the SPQR insignia (tattoo) burnt on their forearm along with horizontal lines indicating the number of years they had...
Tattoo - Riordan Wiki | Fandom
When a camper at Camp Jupiter is no longer on probatio and is accepted into the legion, they are branded with the initials SPQR, the symbol of their godly parent, or ancestor (if they are a legacy, like Octavian) and lines underneath, showing their years of service to the Legion.
Camp Jupiter - Riordan Wiki
Camp Jupiter is a camp designated to protect and train the children of the Roman gods and their descendants. Its entrance is a service tunnel near the main Caldecott Tunnel in the Oakland Hills, near San Francisco.
SPQR | Camp Jupiter Roleplay Wiki | Fandom
SPQR is the motto of the Old Roman Empire. In English, it translates to: "The Senate and the People of Rome." When a camper at Camp Jupiter is accepted into the Legion they are marked with the symbol of their godly parent or ancestor (if camper is a Legacy).
Dec 13, 2014 · There’s SPQR written and the strips similar to barcode which shown your character’s years of service to the Camp Jupiter, that means, from the first time they freed from Probatio, until now. That’s it.
[HOO] What is the canon description of Camp Jupiter's tattoos?
Nov 18, 2022 · SPQR, the eagle of Jupiter, twelve lines for his years in the legion (BOOXVIII) The only mention of the laurel wreath is as Camp Jupiter's symbol, but never on tattoos : Over the doorway hung a big purple banner with the gold letters SPQR embroidered inside a laurel wreath.
Camp Jupiter Quiz - Read Riordan
Jul 23, 2020 · Who finished Jason Grace’s shrines to the minor gods after his death? You got in, you got your SPQR tattoo, you got assigned a cohort (probably first or second). You've got some work to do before you move up in the ranks. Keep at it and you'll be praetor in no time. Way to rise in the ranks!
Template Guide/Tattoos | Camp Jupiter Roleplay Wiki | Fandom
At Camp Jupiter, the campers recieve a permanent tattoo for every year they've spent in Camp Jupiter. The lines represents the marks of honor that the Roman soldiers recieved after battle. Along the lines are symbols of the camper's godly parentage, underneath the letters - SPQR.
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SPQR - Camp Jupiter. 242 likes. Pour tout les romains ;)