SCP-069 - SCP Foundation
Oct 1, 2022 · SCP-069 retains no knowledge of its abilities or former impersonations. SCP-069 responds normally to injury and pain, but if killed, will rapidly decay into dust regardless of any preservation attempts. SCP-069 will then re-emerge at the site of the most recent human death.
SCP-069 - SCP Foundation
If SCP-069 attempts to breach containment, it must be subdued using non-lethal methods. If SCP-069 dies, undercover agents are to be instructed to monitor reports of incidents in which individuals appear to have escaped certain death and SCP-069 is …
SCP-069 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-069 Object Class: Safe Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-069 is currently impersonating Agent under suicide watch at Site-06-3. If it tries to escape, it is to be subdued using non-lethal weapons. Laconic Description: SCP-069 is a human with no age and gender.
Wiki - scp-069 - e621
SCP-069, also known as, “Second Chance” is a paranormal entity contained by the fictional SCP Foundation. Its paranormal ability is to impersonate any recently deceased person in the general vicinity, almost exactly.
SCP-069 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Regret[1], classified by the SCP Foundation as SCP-069 (" Second Chance ") is a presumably humanoid entity that, when presented with a human corpse, will involuntarily gain the appearance, personality, and knowledge of the person who was deceased. 069 …
SCP-069-J - SCP Foundation
Apr 15, 2024 · Use of SCP-069 on any terminal with a live network or internet connection will be cause for immediate revocation of access rights or termination. Personnel found using SCP-069 for excessive periods of time or in dereliction of duty will be terminated immediately.
SCP-069 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
SCP-069. Item #: SCP-069 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: It has been deemed cost-prohibitive to contain SCP-069 in its own mobile facility. Instead, Mobile Task Force Lambda-5 (aka "Snowdogs") monitor, track, and resolve issues involving SCP-069.
SCP-069-DE/Observation Protocol 069-01
Attack methods: Pounce attack: SCP-069-DE hides in trees until prey approaches within 6 meters, whereupon SCP-069-DE pounces on its prey. Ambush: SCP-069-DE stays in the treetops until the prey is directly below it; then SCP-069-DE quietly abseils down and injects its prey with one of its poisons.
SCP-069 | SCP Foundation Wiki | Fandom
SCP-069 retains no knowledge of its abilities or former impersonations. SCP-069 responds normally to injury and pain, but if killed, will rapidly decay into dust regardless of any preservation attempts. SCP-069 will then re-emerge at the site of the most recent human death.
SCP-069 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
If SCP-069 attempts to breach containment, it must be subdued using non-lethal methods. If SCP-069 dies, undercover agents are to be instructed to monitor reports of incidents in which individuals appear to have escaped certain death and SCP-069 is …