Russian cases explained with examples - Russian Enthusiast
What are the Russian cases? Unlike in English, Russian grammar uses a case system. In Russian, there are six cases: Nominative case (именительный падеж): The subject of the sentence; Accusative case (винительный падеж): The direct object of the sentence that is the recipient of the verb
Russian Grammar - Comprehensive Reference Resource
We provide comprehensive Russian grammar resources grouped by parts of speech. Russian cases. Russian cases. What are the Russian cases? Nominative case; Accusative case; Genitive case; Dative case; Instrumental case; Prepositional case; Russian nouns. Russian nouns. Gender and number of Russian nouns; Irregular nouns and exceptions; Full ...
Lesson 6: Introduction to the Russian case system - Russian …
There are six cases in Russian: nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, instrumental, and prepositional. That means that across the singular and plural versions of a noun there are twelve separate forms to decline.
Prepositional Case in Russian - Russian Enthusiast
The prepositional case (предложный падеж) is used in combination with certain prepositions, i.e. “in,” “on,” “at,” and “about.” The Prepositional Case modifies nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. It typically answers the questions о ком? (about whom?) and о чём? (about what?), as well as где?
Russian prepositions listed by case they take - Russian Enthusiast
Summary of Russian prepositions, sorted by the case they take: nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, instrumental, prepositional.
Accusative Case in Russian Explained - Russian Enthusiast
We explain how to use and decline the accusative case in Russian (винительный падеж). This includes the accusative of place and time.
Dative Case in Russian Explained - Russian Enthusiast
The dative case (дательный падеж) is used in Russian to denote the indirect object of a sentence to whom an action or object is given or that action's recipient or beneficiary. Generally, this meaning corresponds to the English words “to” or “for.”
Instrumental Case in Russian Explained - Russian Enthusiast
In Russian, the instrumental case (творительный падеж) denotes that the noun is an instrument “with” or “by” which the subject achieves an action. For example: Пишу письмо ручкой. = I write the letter with a pen. Она режет мясо ножом. = She cuts the meat with a knife.
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Russian adjectives explained - How to use and decline them
We explain how to use and decline Russian adjectives. On top of that, we provide full declensions tables for adjectives: hard and soft stems; г, к, х, ж, ш, ч, щ endings; long and short forms. On separate pages you'll find: A comprehensive overview of the Russian cases; Comparatives and superlatives; Full declension of Russian adjectives