The Roasterie | Kansas City's Coffee Company
At The Roasterie, we're dedicated to providing local coffee that makes a difference in Kansas City and beyond. One cup makes a big impact. Learn more.
Our Coffee - The Roasterie
Sustainable coffee, chosen with purpose. Explore our coffees for sale online. Learn more about our new look
About – The Roasterie
Since the very beginning, our core purpose has been to source the finest coffees we can find in the world, roast them the best way possible, and deliver to our customers as fast as humanly possible—all while facilitating extraordinary coffee experiences along the way.
All – The Roasterie
At The Roasterie, we're dedicated to providing local coffee that makes a difference in Kansas City and beyond. One cup makes a big impact. Learn more.
Cafés - The Roasterie
Stay caffeinated and up to date with us at The Roasterie Coffee Company. Subscribe
Tour the Factory - The Roasterie
Watch as your coffee is roasted, blended and packaged. Witness our craft cold brew process as it goes from brewing to canning. Chat with our baristas as they craft your drink with superior service. Visit our KC Marketplace to take home a piece of Kansas City before you go!
The Factory - The Roasterie
Join us on a tour to see how it all happens or take a class to learn how to roast, brew, or harvest coffee. There is always something going on #UnderThePlane! Stop in for your quick coffee or spend your day with us—we’d love to show you around next time you visit The Factory Café!
Brookside - The Roasterie
Stay caffeinated and up to date with us at The Roasterie Coffee Company. Subscribe
Kansas City Blend - The Roasterie
Stay caffeinated and up to date with us at The Roasterie Coffee Company. Subscribe
Contact Us - The Roasterie
At The Roasterie, we're dedicated to providing local coffee that makes a difference in Kansas City and beyond. One cup makes a big impact. Learn more.