Roselle Catholic High School
Located in Roselle, NJ, we ensure all students demonstrate a commitment to fully develop their potential through the guidance of dedicated educators.
At A Glance - Roselle Catholic High School
Roselle Catholic is a faith-based school, conducted under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark in affiliation with the Marist Brothers. We currently enroll approximately 400 young men and women.
Tuition & Fees - Roselle Catholic High School
Roselle Catholic uses the FACTS Online Tuition Payment Plan, through which our tuition and fees are billed and collected. Every student must have a FACTS account. Every student also has a Tuition Contract with the school, specifying payment terms. There are three payment plans.
Athletic Program - Roselle Catholic High School
At Roselle Catholic, we strive together as competitors, coaches, parents, and fans for excellence in all of our athletic endeavors. Through athletics, many students learn discipline, teamwork, time management, and perseverance, and are pushed to reach levels of excellence they may have never before attempted in their pursuit of individual and ...
Apply / Registration — Roselle Catholic High School
If you are looking to apply to Roselle Catholic High School, follow the steps below! If you are looking to receive more admissions information, click here and fill out the Google Form.
Mission — Roselle Catholic High School
The Roselle Catholic Mission is to ensure that all our students embrace a commitment to fully develop their intellectual, physical, moral and spiritual potential through the guidance and direction of talented and dedicated educators.
Faculty Directory - Roselle Catholic High School
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Catholic High School Union County NJ | Private High School — …
Roselle Catholic, is a private college preparatory high school that educates students in mind, body, and spirit. Through academic excellence, extracurricular activities, technology, and social consciousness, we prepare students to become tomorrow’s leaders.
Academic Calendar - Roselle Catholic High School
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History & Tradition — Roselle Catholic High School
Roselle Catholic High School (then known as St. Joseph's High School) opened its doors for the first time on Spetember 10, 1959, on the grounds of St. Joseph Parish in Roselle, New Jersey. Its founder was Msgr. James Carberry, then St. Joseph's pastor.