Integrated Pest Management(IPM) on Rice.pptx - SlideShare
Nov 6, 2024 · This document provides information on various pests that affect rice crops, including their names, descriptions of damage symptoms, and recommendations for management. It discusses pests such as rice thrips, rice grasshopper, rice gundhi bug, armyworm, rice caseworm, rice hispa, rice leaf folder, …
IPM practice in rice production initiatives includes regular pest monitoring, research on the optimal use of pesticides, complementary weed control strategies, and alternative cultural and biological controls.
The booklet is organized into two broad sections, one showing the common insect pests that attack the crop and the other showing the various symptoms of poor health. In the symptoms section, the images are arranged by plant part, with similar-looking symptoms displayed together.
Sucking Insect pests of rice, Identification, Binomics, Integrated Pest ...
Mar 6, 2024 · The rice plant is subject to attack by more than 100 species of insects; 20 of them can cause economic damage. Together they infest all parts of the plant at all growth stages, and a few transmit viral diseases.
Sep 26, 2024 · Damage by rice stem borer has been attributed to an average yield loss of 30 per cent (Krishnaiah and Varma, 2015). Yellow stem borer pest pressure can commonly reach economic thresholds that requires the use of insecticides to protect the rice crop.
Pests and diseases - IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank
More than 100 species of insects are considered pests in rice production systems globally, but only about 20 species cause significant economic damage. The recommended control of insect pests is to develop and follow an Integrated Pest Management plan.
Posters - Insecticide Resistance Action Committee
Rice; Soybean; Tomato; Mode of Action; Test Methods; Training Centre. Resistance basics. Introduction; ... Cydia Pomonella IRM Poster IRAC Overview Poster Lepidoptera MoA Poster Mites MOA Poster Sucking Pests MoA Poster Mosquito MoA Poster Spodoptera exigua IRM Poster Colorado Potato Beetle IRM Poster Frankliniella occidentalis IRM Poster IRAC ...
Leaf blast is favoured by the low night temperature (22-28 oC), high relative humidity (>95%), dew deposit, leaf wetness for more than 10 hours and high nitrogen. The disease is a serious problem in upland, irrigated and hilly ecosystems.
Rice pests are major biotic constraints limiting rice production globally. This review discusses the biology, ecology, global distribution and plant damage and yield losses caused by insect pests, plant diseases, nematodes, rats and weeds. The interactions among insects, weeds and …
ural enemies attack and kill adults and nymphs of the Malayan Black Bug. These include fungal inf. ctions such as Paecilomyces (in the . llars of this insect hide inside a self-made tube of parts of rice leaf. While protecte. inside the case, the caterpillar feeds by scraping on the rice leaves.