10 guage repeating shotgun questions | The High Road
May 15, 2010 · Hello there,could anyone be of assistance to me&tell me what repeating 10&16 guage shotguns are still being manufactured at present and on the market today.Also what manufacturers are the best buys,in personal opinions.Much appreciated folks,as I can't wait to get a bruised shoulder,lol.
The Surface to Surface shotgun | The High Road
Jan 1, 2003 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
What can I do with a 28 gauge? | The High Road
Jan 19, 2003 · I just got a New England Firearms Pardner 20 gauge and I can get some other shotgun barrels. I already have a 10, two 12's and one 16 gauge, and I would like to have a 28 gauge and a .410 too, but I just don't know what I would use a 28 gauge for. What are some things they are good for...
HD and skeet gun? | Page 3 | The High Road
Jun 10, 2014 · I'm with oneounceload on this one.... Skip the pump. And I say forget about short barrels too. My "HD" shotgun is an older Beretta A303 with a 28" barrel...
Stainless Steel Shotguns | The High Road
May 13, 2003 · Besides the Mossberg 500® Pump Action Mariner and the Winchester Model 1300 Coastal Marine ... Can anyone recommend any other stainless steel shotguns? And which of them would be a good choice for general outdoor protection (not hunting but …
Lever Action (repeater) Recommendations | The High Road
Nov 9, 2015 · I'm new to lever action rifles. I'd really like to get one, and I've searched around but have not found what I'm looking for.
Short Barrel Question | The High Road
Mar 16, 2017 · I thought I posted this the other day, but can't find it... I'm considering taking an old SxS shotgun and getting some 45 Colt or 45-70 rifled inserts for it. If the inserts are permanently installed, do I need the NFA or ATF stamp to shorten the …
Reloading Manual - The High Road
Sep 13, 2006 · Would like to know of a reloading manual that will cover pistol, rifle, and shotgun. Plus some tips on how to reset my early 80's MEC reloader to size and load 12 ga 3" shells. Thanks
Sling setup | The High Road
Mar 29, 2014 · For a field shotgun with a shorter barrel (20 inches), walking through the brush/forests looking for deer, are there any advantages of having the shotgun slung on the side as opposed to the traditional 2 point system underneath the shotgun? Pros, I think you can have the shotgun across your...
The High Road
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