I noticed that my 9 month old son has a red belly button
Customer: I noticed that my 9 month old son has a red belly button deep in side. I was changing his diaper and it was kind of popping out as he was breathing and its deep pink/red inside Doctor's Assistant: Have your redness been stable or getting worse? Customer: It’s been stable. And its fine on the outside just deep inside its red color.
I have a burning, red belly button. It hurts when anything touches …
Customer: I have a burning, red belly button. It hurts when anything touches it and when I turn over in bed. I've been putting ointment on it and used a q-tip to clean it with alcohol. Any suggestions. I had ovary surgery a few years back and it feels the same way after I had surgery with my belly button incision.
Why Is the Inside of My Belly Button Red? Expert Answers
Usually the belly button gets a fungal infection owing to the warm, moist and dark environment it provides in which fungi love to live. Another possibility is a umbilical adenoma or a granuloma, in which case a physician will need to closely examine the area.
Red belly button. Yesterday. 62 - JustAnswer
Customer: Red belly button Doctor's Assistant: The Doctor can help. Just a couple quick questions before I transfer you. How long have you had the redness? Customer: yesterday Doctor's Assistant: How old are you? Are you currently using any medications, either for the redness or anything else?
Expert Answers: Red and Crusty Belly Button Concerns
You probably have an infection in the belly button because the navel doesn't get much air and traps moisture, heat, and bacteria. Both bacterial and sometimes fungal infections are common. The following treatment measures are recommended for you:-Clean your belly button/navel with a sterile swab, and you can get it at your pharmacy.
Understanding Red Lines Around the Belly Button: Causes
Customer: I have a small red line coming out of my belly button. No rash or discharge, just a red line that's a little sore. No rash or discharge, just a red line that's a little sore. Was wondering what this could be from and what to do about it Doctor's Assistant: How long have you …
I have a red belly button and a broken blood vessel in my eye. Any ...
My belly button inside is red and crusty and hurts a lot! Is it okay to put some neosporin on it even though it’s inside Dr.Andrew | I am a board certified physician with vast experience of medical emergencies,making diagnosis & treating patients.
Expert Answers to Common Belly Button Issues
The Hydrogen Peroxide will help in removing the slough (white stuff) inside the belly button. use a Q-tip to insert the solution inside the belly button. - Dry off and then clean the area with Betadine solution soaked in cotton.
I had alot of paint in my belly button. It turned red all around it. So ...
It turned red all around it. So I went to see my doctor and he gave me some antibodics for an infection. 2 days later I followed up with him and it was cleaning out my belly button with a q-tip and said that I had a hole into my stomach.
Treating Belly Button Infection in Kids: FAQ - JustAnswer
Customer: Hi:My son 9 years old has a red belly button with yellow puss/ crust. His pediatrician today suspects staph infection and prescribed an antibiotic cream/ ointment.I just want to make sure this is the right way to treat this.Thank you