Rocket soldier (Red Alert 1) - Command & Conquer Wiki
Rocket infantry are specially trained soldiers equipped with missile launchers and tasked with attacking enemy armour, structures and aircraft as a part of the Allied infantry corps during the Second World War.
List of Red Alert 3 units - Command & Conquer Wiki
Ice-cold experimental soldiers boasting the latest powered armor and cryo weaponry.
Javelin soldier - Command & Conquer Wiki - covering Tiberium, Red Alert …
Javelin soldiers are Allied anti-vehicle and anti-aircraft infantry in Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 and its expansion, Uprising. Javelin-class heavy-weapons specialists, or Javelin soldiers, are the Allies' anti-vehicle infantry. They are armed with missile launchers that can target both air...
The Red Alert: Units - CNC Labs
All units are from the original Red Alert. Read about them below, and check out in-game screenshots and renders of them on our Media page. Allied Infantry
Rocket Soldier | OpenRA - Red Alert Wiki | Fandom
The rocket soldier is powerful against Vehicles and Aircraft but very weak against other Infantry. A small group of rocket soldiers can quickly destroy almost any vehicle if it gets in their firing range, making it one of the most cost-effective anti-tank units in the game.
Javelin soldier | Command and Conquer Wiki | Fandom
Javelin Soldiers are the replacement for the Guardian GI, which was lost from the Allied arsenal due to Cherdenko changing the time stream. Although not as armored as their shotgun wielding counterparts, the Peacekeeper, they are much more effective against tanks and are capable of engaging aircraft, something the Peacekeepers have no claim to.
Command & Conquer: Red Alert – Strategy Guide - GameFAQs
Enemy paratroopers can be a problem if the anti-aircraft fire cant take them. them down as soon as they land. When starting out and your income is low, use these to temporarily guard your base....
Trying to get back into Red Alert - tell me things i don't know
Apr 8, 2020 · Rocket soldiers are very useful. They'll make your opponent think twice when thinking about a air attack on your base. They're a good defence for an early tank rush. Build two barracks to build them at fastest speed. Check the hotkey list in the settings launcher. There's a lot of them, from harvest closest ore to bookmarking spots on the map.
My take on Red Alert 1 (V): Allied land units: - Reddit
Nov 15, 2022 · The rocket soldier is an unique anti-tank infantry that in the cutscenes uses a bazooka M1. In real life, bazookas were designed in the later stages of WW2, in parallel to the German Panzerschwreck, which had a similar size and function.
Rocket soldier (Red Alert 1) - Command and Conquer Wiki
Rocket infantry are specially trained soldiers equipped with missile launchers (usually Dragon TOWs or RedEyes) and tasked with attacking enemy armour, structures and aircraft as a part of the Allied infantry corps during the Second World War. Rocket infantry use …