- Quorum sensing refers to the process by which organisms coordinate behavior based on population density through chemical communication. Ants engage in quorum sensing through the use of pheromones to make collective decisions around tasks like foraging, nest selection, and defense.Learn more:Quorum sensing refers to the process by which organisms coordinate behavior based on population density through chemical communication. Ants engage in quorum sensing through the use of pheromones to make collective decisions around tasks like foraging, nest selection, and defense.www.academia.edu/106771714/Quorum_sensing_…We investigated how this ability emerges from the behaviors used by ants to recruit nest- mates to potential homes. We found that, in a given emi- ly poorly informed insects, each combining her own lim- ited direct information with indirect cues about the expe- rience of her nestmates.www.jstor.org/stable/4602115
How ants use quorum sensing to estimate the average quality of a ...
Jul 8, 2015 · We show that one of the advantages of quorum-based decision-making is an ability to estimate the average value of a resource that fluctuates in quality. By using a quorum threshold, namely the...
- Author: Nigel R. Franks, Jonathan P. Stuttard, Carolina Doran, Julian C. Esposito, Maximillian C. Master, An...
- Publish Year: 2015
Quorum sensing - Wikipedia
Social insect colonies are an excellent example of a decentralized system, because no individual is in charge of directing or making decisions for the colony. Several groups of social insects have been shown to use quorum sensing in a process that resembles collective decision-making.
Colonies of the ant Temnothorax albipennis nest in small crevices between rocks. When the rocks shift and the nest is broken up, these ants must quickly choose a new nest to move into. During …Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
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Quorum sensing by encounter rates in the ant - Oxford Academic
100 rows · Jan 19, 2005 · Emigrating colonies of the ant Temnothorax (formerly Leptothorax) …
- Author: Stephen C. Pratt
- Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
- Publish Year: 2005
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Our results show that such quorum sensing is compatible with homogenization theory such that the average value of a new nest site is determined by ants accumulating within it when the …
- Author: Nigel R. Franks, Jonathan P. Stuttard, Carolina Doran, Julian C. Esposito, Maximillian C. Master, An...
- Publish Year: 2015
In the Japanese ant, Myrmecina nipponica, quorum thresholds increase with colony size, providing an oppor-tunity to assess the accuracy of quantity discrimination at different stimulus …
Quorum sensing and Eusociality -in Ants and Humans
Ants use quorum sensing to make decisions about moving their colony, while humans use it to make decisions in boardrooms, voting booths, and social movements. Understanding how …
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We investigated how this ability emerges from the behaviors used by ants to recruit nest- mates to potential homes. We found that, in a given emi- ly poorly informed insects, each combining her …
Ratio-dependent quantity discrimination in quorum sensing ants
May 21, 2014 · In the Japanese ant, Myrmecina nipponica, quorum thresholds increase with colony size, providing an opportunity to assess the accuracy of quantity discrimination at …
Ratio-dependent quantity discrimination in quorum sensing ants
In this study, I demonstrate that the variation in individual quorum thresholds around the mean increases with increasing colony size. This indicates that the quantity discrimination ability of …
How ants use quorum sensing to estimate the average quality of a ...
Jul 8, 2015 · Our results show that such quorum sensing is compatible with homogenization theory such that the average value of a new nest site is determined by ants accumulating …
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