Quercus gambelii - Wikipedia
Quercus gambelii, with the common name Gambel oak, is a deciduous small tree or large shrub that is widespread in the foothills and lower mountains of western North America. It is also regionally called scrub oak , oak brush , and white oak .
The Gambel Oak - Colorado Native Plant Society
It’s no gamble at all with the Gambel oak, Quercus gambelii, which is Colorado’s most abundant and widespread oak, and an important contributor to our state’s biodiversity.
Species: Quercus gambelii - US Forest Service
The scientific name of Gambel oak is Quercus gambelii Nutt. (Fagaceae) [127, 210]. Varieties include [203]: Hybridization between oak species is common. Gambel oak hybridizes readily with other oak species and has influenced the evolution of several oaks [92].
Quercus gambelii, Gambel Oak, Southwest Desert Flora
Special Value to Native Bees, Butterflies, Birds and Insects Gambel Oak, Quercus gambelii is a host plant for the following butterfly caterpillars: - Find out more from Butterflies and Moths of North America (BAMONA).
Quercus gambelii - Landscape Plants | Oregon State University
Broadleaf deciduous tree or shrub, height is variable, from matted shrubs to trees 50 ft (15 m) high, stoloniferous and thicket-forming, twigs at first gray-yellow pubescent, later olive brown.
Quercus gambelii - USDA Plants Database
Quercus gambelii Nutt. - Gambel oak P.
Gambel Oak (Quercus gambelii) — Spadefoot Nursery, Inc.
Deciduous tree—this plant reaches variable heights depending on conditions, sometimes just a small shrub, sometimes reaching 40-50’ or more. Flowers April-June. Acorns ripen in September. Nice fall color—oranges and yellows, sometimes red.
Quercus gambelii - Trees and Shrubs Online
Native of the Rocky Mountains, USA, at high altitudes; introduced towards the end of the last century. It is perfectly hardy, but of no ornamental value. The New Mexico champion Quercus gambelii, off NM-159, Elk Mountain, 2250 m, August 2017. Image Charles Snyers.
Nature's Notebook: Gambel Oak - USA-NPN
For Quercus gambelii, the male inflorescence is a catkin which is initially compact and stiff, but eventually unfolds to become longer and hang loosely from the branch. Female flowers are very small and petal-less, emerging from the growing stem at the point where a new leaf is attached.
Quercus Gambelii Planting: A Comprehensive Guide
Quercus Gambelii, commonly known as Gambel Oak, is a remarkable tree species native to the western United States. This article will delve into the world of Quercus Gambelii, exploring its characteristics, benefits, and the essential steps for planting and nurturing these majestic trees.