Pulsar - Wikipedia
A pulsar (from puls(ating st)ar, on the model of quasar) [1] is a highly magnetized rotating neutron star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation out of its magnetic poles. [2]
What are pulsars? | Space
Jan 24, 2023 · Pulsars are 'cosmic lighthouses' that when seen from Earth appear to be flickering stars, but actually consist of exotic stellar remnants called neutron stars.
Pulsars Astronomy – National Radio Astronomy Observatory
From the Earth, a pulsar looks like a star that has a pulse, a rapid beat picked up only by radio telescopes. Discoverers Jocelyn Bell and Antony Hewish noticed that these beats were so regular that they seemed manmade. For a while, these cosmic radio sources were called LGM – …
A Map of Known Pulsars - GitHub Pages
This map shows the position of almost every radio pulsar known to modern researchers. The slider on top of the page lets you move through space, exploring different distances from …
Hulse–Taylor pulsar - Wikipedia
The Hulse–Taylor pulsar (known as PSR B1913+16, PSR J1915+1606 or PSR 1913+16) is a binary star system composed of a neutron star and a pulsar which orbit around their common center of mass. It is the first binary pulsar ever discovered.
Closing in on Earth’s Closest Millisecond Pulsar
Jul 13, 2024 · Using the 64m Parkes radio telescope (Murriyang), astronomers have made new mass and distance measurements of the closest and brightest millisecond pulsar to Earth, PSR J0437-4715 at radio frequencies.
Chapter 6 Pulsars - National Radio Astronomy Observatory
A good example showing how pulsar timing can be extremely useful is timing-based pulsar astrometry. Pulsar positions on the sky are determined by timing a pulsar over the course of a year as the Earth orbits the Sun and tracking the changing Roemer delay.
What’s a pulsar? Why does it pulse? - EarthSky
Jul 15, 2022 · Bottom line: A pulsar is a neutron star with its poles aimed toward Earth so that we can see pulses of light resulting from the star’s strong emission when it’s rapidly spinning.
NASA SVS | Pulsar Blinking
Mar 5, 2010 · A pulsar is a neutron star which emits beams of radiation that sweep through the earth's line of sight. Like a black hole, it is an endpoint to stellar evolution. The "pulses" of high-energy radiation we see from a pulsar are due to a misalignment of the neutron star's rotation axis and its magnetic axis.
How are pulsars detected from Earth? - radio astronomy
May 24, 2019 · The first known pulsars, for example "Little Green Man" or PSR B1919+21, were radio pulsars; your graph shows those waves are detectable from Earth's surface. I stumbled upon this article which lists the frequency of some of the pulsars: