Pokémon HOME Premium Plan - Pokemon.com
You can enroll in the Pokémon HOME Premium Plan for even more great features. http://localhost:8080/
Pokémon HOME - Pokemon.com
Pokémon HOME is a cloud service for Nintendo Switch and compatible mobile devices designed as a place where all Pokémon can gather. By linking the same Nintendo Account to both the …
Mais funcionalidades - Pokemon.com
Pokémon in your Boxes in Pokémon HOME will be registered in their respective game’s Pokédex after version 2.0.0 of Pokémon HOME is installed. Any Pokémon not in a Box, such as those …
More Features - Pokemon.com
You can receive Mystery Gifts in the mobile device version of Pokémon HOME! With this feature, you can receive Mystery Gifts for Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield as well as gifts …
Pokémon HOME - Pokemon.com
Pokémon HOME ist ein Cloud-Dienst für Konsolen der Nintendo Switch-Familie und kompatible Mobilgeräte. Die Software stellt einen Ort dar, an dem sich alle Pokémon versammeln können.
Pokémon HOME - Pokemon.com
Ao ligar a mesma Conta Nintendo à versão da consola Nintendo Switch e à versão móvel do serviço Pokémon HOME, poderá aceder às mesmas Pokémon Boxes em ambas as versões! …
Pokémon HOME - Pokemon.com
Pokémon HOME est un service sur le cloud pour Nintendo Switch et appareils mobiles compatibles permettant de réunir tous vos Pokémon. En associant le même compte Nintendo …
Receive a special Melmetal in Pokémon HOME - Pokemon.com
If you send Pokémon from Pokémon GO to Pokémon HOME, you’ll be able to open the Mystery Box, causing the Mythical Pokémon Meltan to appear on your map for a limited time. It is …
Pokémon HOME - Pokemon.com
Se colleghi lo stesso account Nintendo sia alla versione di Pokémon HOME per Nintendo Switch, sia a quella per dispositivi mobili, potrai accedere agli stessi Box Pokémon su entrambe le …
Move Pokémon to Pokémon HOME - Pokemon.com
Pokémon HOME and Pokémon GO can now link. Once you’ve linked them, you’ll be able to transfer Pokémon from Pokémon GO to Pokémon HOME and, from there, bring them to either …