Understanding Poisson's Ratio and Restrained Cylinders
Apr 2, 2010 · Hey. I have a couple of questions about Poisson's ratio I hope you guys can answer. If I have a cylinder made of, let's say steel. Steel has a Poisson's ratio of roughly 0.33. The cylinder is restrained in the vertical direction so no displacement can occur. If I …
Rate of change of volume and poisson's ratio - Physics Forums
Oct 26, 2009 · Homework Statement Consider a rectangular block of isotropic material of dimensions a, b and c, with c >> a or b. It is characterised by its elastic constants: Young's modulus E, shear modulus G and Poisson's ratio . The block of material is subjected to axial deformation along the c...
Understanding Poisson's Ratio and Its Effects - Physics Forums
Dec 31, 2019 · Hi everybody, Poisson's ratio determine that when applying force in one direction (let say z direction) it would cause a relative major strain at that direction, and also two additional strains at the two other directions (x & y). My question …
Poisson's ratio, steel rod for example - Physics Forums
Jun 24, 2017 · Steel has a "Poisson ratio" μ of 0.29 (in my book of problems at least). Am I understanding the meaning of this ratio correctly: if a steel cylinder is stretched along its symmetry axis by a factor p (something like 1.01 or 0.99) then the radius will change by a …
Water Poisson Ratio: What & How? - Physics Forums
Oct 18, 2011 · Poisson's ratio can be calculated if you know the bulk modulus K and the shear modulus G of the material. In water, is one of these much greater than the other? What does this imply about the Poisson's ratio?
Bulk modulus and poisson's ratio - Physics Forums
Mar 31, 2009 · Homework Statement derive the equation for the bulk modulus, K = E/3 (1 - 2v), where v is poisson's ratio. Homework Equations E = stress/e, where e...
Understanding Poisson's Ratio Limits - Physics Forums
Oct 24, 2004 · I'm doing A2 course work on properties of materials and have been looking at Youngs modulus, Bulk modulus, Poissons ratio and Shear stress strain etc.:rolleyes: Was wondering if any kind person would be able to explain why Poissons ratio has theoretical limits of -1 to 0.5? Have tried to search...
Calculating Poisson's Ratio: Step-by-Step Guide - Physics Forums
Aug 5, 2005 · Poisson's ratio is the lateral contraction per unit breadth divided by the longitudinal extension per unit length. But A is proportional to the square of the length, i.e. a square has area, A = l 2, where l is side length, or a circle has area r 2, where r is radius. Now looking in three dimensions, if l x and l y contract by then the new ...
Why would density increase when Poisson's ratio > 0.5?
Oct 19, 2012 · Homework Statement Does anyone understand why density would increase when the poisson ratio is greater than 0.5 as indicated in this slide from my professor: Does this density increase apply to a system undergoing tension or compression or both?
Steel - Youngs Modulus, Poisson Ratio - Physics Forums
Aug 23, 2011 · Hello, Quick question on how you would go about calculating this. A grade of steel has the following properties; Tensile strength = 300 N/mm^2 - (not relevant?) Youngs Modulus = 200 GPa Poisson Ratio = 0.3 The grade of steel is 2m …