Some tips for hand-propping a Piper Cub
Don't try this at home! Merle Larson prepares to start a J-3 engine in flight over Concord CA in 1946. Gladys Davis is flying the Cub from the rear seat. Larson was a WWII B-24 veteran, airshow pilot, and aircraft designer — "and no circus daredevil," insisted Bill …
Piper Cub weight & balance calculation
Some specs for J-3 Cubs with 3C-65 engine I acquired the following sheet when I had to make that weight & balance calculation for Zero Six Hotel. I have tried to reproduce it as close to the original as possible. A-691 - THE NEW PIPER AIRCRAFT, INC. Model J3C-65
A Cub with a Rotax engine - Piper Cub Forum
The Savage Cub is typically equipped with 100 hp Rotax engine, electrics, flaps, and 18 gallon wing tanks. You can add skis, floats, tundra tires, and of course a full menu of avionics. The plane is essentially a clipped-wing Cub (span 30 feet 10 inches), a bit wider than the original J-3 (cabin width 2 feet 3 inches).
Clearing up the paperwork on a Piper J-3 - Piper Cub Forum
On the Yahoo mailing list, Piper Cub Builders, an owner named Rich described his J-3 Cub with a data plate showing it with a Continental C-85 engine instead of the original Lycoming 65 hp. Rich bought the plane without an engine and intended to install a Continental A-65, and of course he also wanted to clear up the paperwork.
Tiger Cub ultralight - Piper Cub Forum
A tip of the virtual hat to Max Rentz, who alerted the Piper Cub Builders List to this darling little airplane. He equipped it with a 25-horsepower, one cylinder F33 Hirth engine, which qualified the plane as an Ultralight under FAR 103. It's now sold with a more robust 447 or 503 Rotax engine, qualifying under the Sport Pilot program.
The Piper Cub Forum
All about the immortal Piper Cub light aircraft, best-known as the J-3 Cub or L-4 Grasshopper, built by William Piper at Lock Haven, that evolved into the PA-11, PA-12, and PA-18 Super Cub, and the Legend Cub and Cub Sport of today
Pre-flight checklist for a J-3 Piper Cub
A pre-flight checklist for a J-3 Piper Cub Since there's no Pilot Operating Handbook for the early Cubs, it follows that there's no standard pre-flight check list. If you run into an FAA examiner, you may be challenged to do your pre-flight from a written checklist, and if your airport's checklist is as daunting as the one at 7B3, you may ...
A Sentimental Journey to Lock Haven - pipercubforum.com
CUB HOME PAGE > SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY A Sentimental Journey to Lock Haven. Putting on the numbers: April Stewart and her father at work. By Daniel Ford (Air&Space / Smithsonian) Like swallows to Capistrano, the Piper Cubs return every year to this town on the west branch of the Susquehanna, where most of them were built.
Aviat Husky: a Piper Cub for the 21st century
Afton municipal has a field elevation of 6,200 feet, which goes far to explain why the Husky has a 180 hp engine (compared to 65 hp for a typical J-3 Cub and 95-150 hp for the Super Cub). It also has semi-Fowler flaps, vortex generators, a constant-speed propeller, and a more modern airfoil than those on the Cubs.
Fixing the brakes on a J-3 Cub - Piper Cub Forum
Fixing the brakes on a J-3 Cub The following requet was posted on the Cub Builders mailing list: "Hi,all. Had the wheels off my J-3 and noticed that I have heavy gouges in the brake drums. Bled the brakes including putting a band clamp around the expander tubes as suggested in a recent Cub Clues [newsletter] to squeeze out any fluid and air.