Common Slugs, Snails, and Flatworms - Big Island Invasive Species ...
Seven to nine whorls, including a swollen long body whorl, and cover at least half the length of the snail. Adult Giant African Snail. Immature Giant African Snail. Two black/dark brown stripes along body, or no stripes. Stripes can be broken making them look spotty. Cuban slug with no stripe.
Sea Slugs of Hawaii
A guide to Sea Slugs of Hawaii: gastropod molluscs of the subclass opisthobranchia including nudibranchs and their relatives.
Species List - Sea Slugs of Hawaii
The following list includes all species from Hawaii that we believe are valid at this time arranged in taxonomic order. Each species name links to the description of that species and each higher taxon name links to the thumbnail page for that taxon.
Asteronotus cespitosus: main page - Sea Slugs of Hawaii
Natural history: Asteronotus cespitosus is a moderately common dorid found in protected to highly exposed rocky areas. It has been found in tide pools and subtidally to 20 m (65 ft). It is typically active at night but it may rest in the open during the day.
Nudibranchs of Hawaii - Marine Life et cetera
Sapsuckers, sea hares, side-gilled slugs and bubble shells or headshield slugs are not technically nudibranchs, and they have their own pages (unless otherwise specified). Lamellaria do not even fall into the category of sea slugs, but they are look-a-likes and so have their own page as well.
Hawaii nudibranchs and opisthobranch molluscs mollusks
Cory and Pauline have found and photographed hundreds of Hawaiian nudibranchs. Many are new discoveries, and most are not in any of the books. Check it out! ALSO check out the new and very active Sea Slugs of Hawaii Facebook group. Keoki Stender's website has …
Flatworms of Maui, Hawaii: Phylum Platyhelminthes - Marine …
It seems that not much is really known about Hawaii's flatworms, perhaps because they are rarely seen and few scientists seem to specialize in this phylum. With Cory Pittman's help, John Hoover has compiled the most comprehensive Hawaii Flatworm site and it is an exceptional collection.
Hawaii Sea Slugs - Spanglers' Scuba
11 species of Hawaii Sea Slugs, with color photos. Spanglers' Scuba. 100% Dolphin approved scuba lessons and underwater photography 408-463-6376 ... Four-Spined Slug (Siphopteron quadrispinosum) Heteropod (Superfamily Pterotracheoidea) Lined Sea Hare (Stylocheilus striatus) One-Spot Berthella (Berthella sp.1)
Nudibranchs and Sea Slugs of Hawaii · iNaturalist
Nudibranchs and Sea Slugs of Hawaii; Print Nudibranchs and Sea Slugs of Hawaii All 6; Color; black 1; blue 1; green 1; Family; Cadlinidae 1; Discodorididae 1; Dorididae 2; Polyceridae 1; Taxonomy; 2 Superfamily Chromodoridoidea; 3 Sea Lemons and Allies Superfamily Doridoidea; 1 Superfamily Polyceroidea; Search.
At least 12 introduced slug species are now established in Hawaii (Cowie 1997, 1999), and non-native slugs and herbivorous snails have also invaded many other Pacific Islands, often through accidental introductions associated with horticultural trade (Beck et …