Phuc Tran
“ “The United States was already a better country because Phuc Tran refused to change his name. Then he went even further in changing this country by giving us this bold, funny, and profane memoir: a portrait of a young punk refugee and of heartland America itself, each of them as defiant and compelling as the other.”
About - Phuc Tran
I was born in Sài Gòn Việt Nam, my family fled to America in 1975, and I grew up in Carlisle PA. Reared on a steady diet of Saturday morning cartoons, John Hughes, Star Wars, Bones Brigade videos, and bootlegged cassettes of Minor Threat and TSOL, I graduated high school in 1991.
Writing - Phuc Tran
Phuc Tran has written the Great American Nerd-Punk Boyhood Memoir, a story that’s rollicking and laugh-out-loud funny while also offering a piercingly profound look at race, the challenges of assimilation, and the inherently defiant act of growing up.
Media - Phuc Tran
Maine writer Phuc Tran’s frank storytelling style a fit for new children’s books
Press — Phuc Tran
“Funny, poignant, and unsparing, Tran’s sharp, sensitive, punk-inflected memoir presents one immigrant’s quest for self-acceptance through the lens of American and European literary classics.”
Press & Reviews — Phuc Tran
About. Writing. Media
Events - Phuc Tran
Virtual Bookclub With Phuc! Did your bookclub read SIGH, GONE? Would you like me to Zoom your bookclub to talk about it AND raise money for a social justice organization? We can make …
Contact - Phuc Tran
I am represented by the formidable Sarah Levitt at Aevitas Creative. You can reach her at [email protected].. You can also email me directly at [email protected] to say hello, but if it’s a writing, teaching, or speaking request, I may loop my agent into the electronic conversation anyway because she’s a lot smarter than I …
Maine Literary Awards — Phuc Tran
Jun 12, 2021 · 2021 Book Award for Memoir. Home. About
Media — Phuc Tran
Jun 14, 2020 · About. Writing. Media