Bible Map: Pethor
PETHOR, this is the city of Balaam the prophet. Its name has been found associated, upon an Assyrian tablet, with that of Carchemish. It was a Hittite city, perhaps 60 ms. s. of Carchemish at Balis where there was "the tower of Balaam" in Asher Dan 1160. The only references are in Numb. 22:5 and Deut. 23:4.
Pethor - Wikipedia
Pethor or Petor (פְּתוֹר) in the Hebrew Bible is the home of the prophet Balaam. In the Book of Numbers, Pethor is described as being located "by the river of the land of the children of his people". [1] The Bible usually uses the name "the River" to the Euphrates; the rest of the
Where is biblical Pethor today? 2 modern identifications - OpenBible.info
Trjames, Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019. This page attempts to identify all the possible locations where this biblical place could be. The confidence levels add up to less than 100%, indicating that the modern location is uncertain. It's best to think about the confidences in relative rather than absolute terms.
Pethor - Casual English Bible
With 1,000 PDF maps and more than 1,200 pages, the Comprehensive Bible Atlas is your one-stop solution for Bible maps. There are two files. One optimized for mobile devices. A higher resolution version is available, too.
Map - Pethor - BibleBento.com
Pe'thor. (soothsayer). A town of Mesopotamia, where Balaam resided, and situated "upon the river," possibly the Euphrates. Numbers 22:5; Deuteronomy 23:4. Its position is wholly unknown."
Bible Atlas - P - OpenBible.info
All the places in the Bible arranged alphabetically. Click the photos for more context.
Pethor in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE (Bible History Online)
Pethor is identified with the Pedru (i) of the geographical lists of Thothmes III (circa 1500 BC) and the Pitru (Pithru) of the Assyrian king Shalmaneser II, who states that in his 3rd year (857 BC) he took the city Ana-Assur-utir-acbat (meaning: "I founded (it) anew for Assur"), which the Hattaa (Hittites) called Pitru.
Pethor - Encyclopedia of The Bible - Bible Gateway
Pethor was the home of Balaam, the prophet, son of Beor, who was summoned by King Balak of Moab to curse the Israelites who were entering the land (Num 22:5; Deut 23:4).
Bible Maps Search Engine - Casual English Bible
These 3D-style maps of Bible lands are created from blended high resolution satellite images, matched to precise elevation data from international space agencies. How to search for maps —Type “Galilee” into the Casual English Bible’s map search engine, below. Instantly, you’ll see dozens of beautiful maps…many in 3D style. Each one ...
What the Bible says about Pethor - Bible Tools
"Pethor" has made some historians wonder, but they think they know where it is. It is located 400 miles north of Moab on the banks of the Euphrates River, twelve miles south of Carchemish.