Soybean Insect Pests | CropWatch | Nebraska
Photos and identification and injury information for major insect pests of Nebraska soybean, including Dectes stem borer, soybean thrips, whiteflies, soybean aphid, potato leafhopper, twospotted spider mite, green stink bug and brown stink bug. Managing Soybean Defoliators, NebGuide G2259.
(PDF) Insect- Pests of Soybean and their management
Oct 17, 2020 · Soybean provides substratum for about 275 species of insect pests in India, out of these only a dozen of species like girdle beetle, tobacco caterpillar, green semilooper, Bihar...
TNAU Agritech Portal :: Crop Protection
TNAU Agritech Portal :: Pest of Soybean© 2008-2024 TNAU. All Rights Reserved.
(PDF) Insect Pests of Soybean - ResearchGate
Feb 2, 2024 · The chapter delves into the extensive array of insect pests affecting soybean crops, with a detailed examination of the Girdle Beetle (Oberiopsis brevis), Soybean Pod Bug (Peizodorus...
Pests of Soybean | SpringerLink
Aug 2, 2018 · This chapter gives an overview of important insect pests of soybean, like stem fly, tobacco caterpillar, Bihar hairy caterpillar, green semilooper, pod borer, leaf miner, whitefly, aphids, stinkbug and girdle beetle, their distribution, host plants, biology, symptoms of damage and various control measures for the management of insect pests to en...
Soybean Pests - Soybean Research & Information Network
Mar 3, 2021 · There are many different types of soybean pests that can affect soybean plants. The Soybean Research & Information Network (SRIN) website is an authoritative source for up to date resources and research on many different types of soybean pests.
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Soybean pests cause damage through direct feeding thereby exposing plants to attack by other pathogens and indirectly by transmission of viruses and other pathogens (Heinrichs and Muniappan, 2018). The expected increase in soybean production in Africa will likely lead to increase in occurrence of soybean pests.
Soybean Insect Pests | NC State Extension
There are a wide variety of insects that may be found in your soybean field at any given time of the season. Some of these insects may be pests that could reduce soybean yield, while others may be beneficial insects which prey on pests.
Soybean: Common Diseases & Insect, Pests and Its Management
Apr 29, 2022 · Avoid using harmful pesticides or practices that would carelessly destroy beneficial insects, your first line of natural defense. Release trichogramma wasps to parasitize any newly laid eggs. Use fast-acting organic insecticides if pest levels become intolerable. Common cucumber beetles can be spotted or striped.
Soybean Pests and their Management Practices - Wikifarmer
Below are some of the most important pest enemies of soybean and management practices. 1. Gram pod borer: Helicoverpa armigera. Helicoverpa can attack soybeans at any plant developmental stage, from seedling to pod ripening. However, they will most likely attack during the flowering, podding, and pod-fill stages.