Graduation with Distinction | Penn State Office of the University …
Graduation with Distinction. Distinction at graduation (policy 88-00) is awarded to baccalaureate degree candidates with: at least 60 credits (30 credits for associate degree candidates) earned at Penn State; minimum of a 3.5 cumulative grade-point average; are in the top 12% of a college's graduating class
Distinction and Honors & Penn State - Pennsylvania State …
Distinction at graduation is awarded to associate degree candidates who are in the top 12 percent of their college's graduating class, have achieved a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.50, and have earned at least 30 credits at the University.
O-4: Graduation with Distinction - Pennsylvania State University
A student's distinction level is determined based on the final cumulative grade point average in the semester in which the student's degree is conferred. Preliminary distinction (based on the cumulative grade point average as of the semester prior to degree conferral) may be acknowledged at the commencement ceremony.
Distinction at graduation is awarded to associate degree candidates who are in the top 12 percent of their college's graduating class, have achieved a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.50, and have earned at least 30 credits at the University.
88-00 Distinction and Honors - University Faculty Senate
The top 12 percent of the baccalaureate degree candidates from any college shall be eligible to graduate with distinction if they have achieved at least a grade-point average of 3.50, based on at least 60 credits at the University.
Graduation | Penn State Office of the University Registrar
Information about Penn State diplomas including the diploma distribution process and how to order a reissued diploma or reissued minor certificate. Index of information related to graduation at Penn State.
Distinctions, Diplomas, and Transcripts | Penn State Harrisburg
Distinction Requirements. Distinction at graduation shall be awarded to those baccalaureate degree candidates of the graduating class according to the following rule.
Do’s and Don’ts - Sites at Penn State
All graduates who have earned academic distinction are eligible to receive an academic distinction cord. Students who are graduating: Summa Cum Laude: Blue and White Cord
Penn State Alumni Association - Groups of Distinction
Affiliate groups named as a “Group of Distinction” have served in several different programmatic categories, including career networking, social interaction and fellowship, supporting students, and leading THON-related activities.
Penn State Alumni Association - Awards
Groups of Distinction Chapters and AIGs offer a variety of programming opportunities to their members. The Alumni Association recognizes those groups who offer a wide breadth of activities each fiscal year in 15 different categories at three distinct levels.