Father Pierre-Marie Bos, a Priest of Vision
Nov 4, 2019 · Despite his advanced age and some illnesses that afflicted him in the last years of his life, Father Pedro Bos never gave up on his dream. Proof of this is what he wrote in the preface of The Imitation of Christ, in 1903, the famous poem in which he records his vision of a monumental statue of Jesus on the top of the Corcovado:
Christ the Redeemer | History, Height, & Facts | Britannica
In the 1850s the Vincentian priest Pedro Maria Boss suggested placing a Christian monument on Mount Corcovado to honour Isabel, princess regent of Brazil and the daughter of Emperor Pedro II, although the project was never approved.
17 Glorious Facts About Christ The Redeemer
Dec 14, 2019 · The original proposal for a monumental landmark was first proposed by a priest named Pedro Maria Boss. This happened way back in 1850 . The proposed location for the landmark was mount Corcovado.
Christ the Redeemer – WRSP
Oct 8, 2016 · In the mid-1850s, Father Pedro Maria Boss asked Brazil’s Princess Isabel, provisional head of state, for funding to build a large religious monument in Rio de Janeiro to look out over the city. Father Boss proposed that the monument would be constructed in Princess Isabel’s honor (Dunnell n.d.)
History of Christ the Redeemer, on the Corcovado - Wonders of …
That year there arrived on the spot Father Pedro Maria Boss, a lazarist. He was overwhelmed by the beauty of the site and decided to meet the queen of Brazil Isabella to ask for the necessary funds for the construction of this monument.
10 Iconic Facts About Christ The Redeemer - TheTravel
Oct 31, 2022 · Pedro Maria Boss, a Vincentian priest, was the first to propose placing a religious statue atop Brazil's iconic Corcovado peak. When this happened, it was the 1850s. To commemorate Princess Isabel, the daughter of Brazil's Emperor Pedro II, he proposed this.
Pedro Maria Boss | Brasiliana Fotográfica - Fundação Biblioteca …
Oct 8, 2021 · Pedro Maria Boss Os 90 anos do Cristo Redentor, um dos mais importantes símbolos e pontos turísticos do Rio de Janeiro e do Brasil
Christ the Redeemer of Rio de Janeiro | AncientWorldWonders
Oct 11, 2012 · In 1859 the Vincentian father Pedro Maria Boss arrived Rio de Janeiro. He admired the venue and got struck by the mysterious beauty of the Corcovado Mountain. Thus, he suggested the construction of a religious monument.
Christ The Redeemer: Rio’s Iconic Statue » BUDS IS BACK
Jul 31, 2024 · The idea for the construction of Christ the Redeemer first emerged in the 1850s, when a Catholic priest named Pedro Maria Boss suggested the idea of erecting a large statue of Christ on the Corcovado Mountain.
Christ the Redeemer - 7 Wonders
Then in 1859 the father Vincentian Pedro Maria Boss came to Rio de Janeiro and was struck by the mysterious beauty of the Corcovado Mountain and suggested the construction of a religious monument in honour of Princess Isabel, who in 1921 gave …