Dirty Dan | Encyclopedia SpongeBobia | Fandom
Dirty Dan is a criminal in Sandy's dream in the episode "Survival of the Idiots." Later, both his and his partner's gravestones are seen in the episode "Shopping List." His name is later seen …
Dirty Dan! SpongeBob Throwback | #TBT - YouTube
Come follow the adventures of the world's most lovable sponge and his trusty sidekick, Patrick Star!
Survival of the Idiots | Encyclopedia SpongeBobia | Fandom
"Survival of the Idiots" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 2. In this episode, SpongeBob and Patrick get trapped in Sandy's treedome during winter. SpongeBob …
Dirty Dan Scene | Survival of the Idiots - S02E08a - YouTube
This scene is from the SpongeBob Season 3 Episode 'Survival of the Idiots', in which SpongeBob and Patrick become trapped in Sandy's treedome.See also: https...
SpongeBob SquarePants - Which one of you is the real dirty dan ...
Jan 28, 2014 · Patrick gets his head ripped off
Survival of the Idiots/transcript - Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Patrick: [whacks SpongeBob] I'm Dirty Dan. [SpongeBob sees something behind Patrick and screams in terror] Screaming will get you nowh- [Sandy reaches out, grabs the top of Patrick's …
Survival of the Idiots (Episode) - SpongePedia
Mar 5, 2001 · Patrick wants to be Dirty Dan along with SpongeBob, But then Sandy comes out and begins to attack SpongeBob and Patrick. Patrick wins the fight of being Dirty Dan when …
Episode Transcript: Survival of the Idiots - SpongePedia
Patrick: It looks like an over-inflated Sandy doll. SpongeBob: I think this thing is Sandy! Patrick: Hibernation must mean the opposite of beauty sleep. Sandy: (snoring, talking in sleep) I've …
Who was Dirty Dan: Spongebob or Patrick? - r/AskReddit
Oct 3, 2020 · Sandy references him in a dream during hibernation as a texas outlaw, before SpongeBob and Patrick create a game where they would fight over the titles of Pinhead Larry …
SpongeBuddy Mania - SpongeBob Transcripts - Survival of the Idiots
Patrick: (hits SpongeBob again and SpongeBob yells ow) I'm Dirty Dan! (This keeps on going over until Sandy's headphones fall off and she wakes up again. She gets out of bed.)