Indian Paintbrush - US Forest Service
Indian paintbrush is an attractive member of the parasitic Broomrape family (Orobancaceae). This species was formerly placed in the Figwort family (Scrophullariaceae), which was a hodgepodge of genera that didn’t fit well in other families.
Indian paintbrush Facts - Softschools.com
There are around 200 species of Indian paintbrush that originate from western parts of the North and South America and North Asia. Indian paintbrush grows in deserts, dry, sandy prairies, scrublands and woodlands.
Castilleja - Wikipedia
Castilleja, commonly known as paintbrush, Indian paintbrush, or prairie-fire, is a genus of about 200 species of annual and perennial mostly herbaceous plants native to the west of the Americas from Alaska south to the Andes, northern Asia, and one species as far west as the Kola Peninsula in northwestern Russia.
Indian Paintbrush | New Mexico State University | BE BOLD.
The Indian paintbrush (Castilleja) is a native wildflower in the family Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family). It was adopted as Wyoming's State Flower on January 31, 1917. This flower displays various shades of orange, red and sometimes yellow.
Indian Paintbrush • Flora • Plant
Castilleja, commonly known as Indian paintbrush or prairie-fire, is a genus of about 200 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants native to the west of the Americas from Alaska south to the Andes, northern Asia, and one species as far west …
Castilleja coccinea - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Castilleja coccinea, commonly called Indian paintbrush or painted cup, is a biennial member of the broomrape family (Orobanchaceae) that typically grows on unbranched stems to 1-1.5' tall (less frequently to 2').
Christ’s Indian paintbrush is currently a Candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act and is on the US Fish and Wildlife Service Notice of Review list. It is also a Sensitive plant species on the Regional Foresters Sensitive List for the Intermountain Region …
Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja spp.): History, Characteristics ...
Feb 4, 2025 · Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja spp.): Characteristics. Flower Appearance: Known for its bright, colorful bracts (modified leaves) that surround small, tubular flowers. The bracts can be red, orange, yellow, pink, or even purple, giving the plant its paintbrush-like appearance.
Indian Paintbrush | USU - Utah State University Extension
Indian paintbrush is widespread throughout Utah, occurring from the desert floors to the subalpine meadows. Some species are known to be partial root-parasites, especially with sagebrush. Soils: Can occur in a variety of soils, but most abundant in loams. Associated Species: Sagebrush, aspen, bromes, lupine. Uses and Management:
The Buckeye Botanist: Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja coccinea)
May 15, 2013 · It may come to some as a surprise that Ohio is home to its very own species of Indian paintbrush. The vividly colored flowers of the Castilleja genus are much better known out west where just about all of North America's 100+ species occur while just a handful of them occur east of the Mississippi.