Old maps of City of Leeds
Old maps of City of Leeds on OldMapsOnline. Leeds (Hills) - OS One-Inch Revised New Series. 1896. Ordnance Survey. 1:63k. Leeds (Outline) - OS One-Inch Revised New Series
Leeds, 1:1,056, Surveyed: 1847 - OS Town Plans of England ... - Map …
Leeds, 1:1,056, Surveyed: 1847. Browse the maps: As individual sheets using a zoomable map; As a seamless zoomable overlay layer on modern satellite or road maps
Leeds, 1:500, Surveyed: 1888-91 and 1909-1910 - OS Town ... - Map …
Leeds, 1:500, Surveyed: 1888-91 and Resurveyed / Revised 1909-1910. Browse the maps: As individual sheets using a zoomable map; As a seamless zoomable overlay layer on modern satellite or road maps
Town Plans of Leeds - National Library of Scotland - Map Images
Town Plans of Leeds . Browse OS Town Plans of England and Wales using a graphic index (1:500 scale) Select the town plan you wish to view: 1847 - ORDNANCE SURVEY - Large Scale Town Plan, 1:1,056; 1888-91 and 1909-1910 - ORDNANCE SURVEY - Large Scale Town Plan, 1:500; 1950s-1970s - ORDNANCE SURVEY - National Grid maps
While working through the map collection of the Society some years ago, we came across a previously unrecorded small plan labelled ‘A Plan of Leeds 1792’ (dimensions: 319 x 192mm).
Category : Old maps of Leeds - Wikimedia
Sep 15, 2020 · “Old maps” means maps authored over 70 years ago, that is, in 1954 or earlier. Use the appropriate category for maps showing all or a large part of Leeds. See subcategories for smaller areas: This category has only the following subcategory. The following 36 files are in this category, out of 36 total. 322 of 'The Earth and its Inhabitants.
For copies of the best pre-1850 maps ask to see the Leeds in Maps folder. Contents include: • The Prospect of Leeds From the Knostrop Road (1715) – Francis Place
Old Maps of Leeds, Yorkshire - Francis Frith
Take a look at our selection of old historic maps based upon Leeds in Yorkshire. Taken from original Ordnance Survey maps sheets and digitally stitched together to form a single layer, these maps offer a true reflection of how the land used to be.
Old Ordnance Survey Maps of Leeds - Alan Godfrey Maps
The following maps for Leeds are taken from the OS 25" maps and reduced to a scale of approximately 14 inches to the mile. They are extremely detailed, showing individual houses, details such as railway tracks, pathways, pubs, factories and even minutiae such as …
Antique Maps of Leeds in Yorkshire - rareoldprints.com
Plan of Leeds Ref: P/6903 Region: Leeds Type: Chromo-lithograph Map Series: G W Bacon (Towns) Publisher: G.W.Bacon Date: 1885