Olathe City Boundary
This file is used to maintain the current extent of the City of Olathe boundary. This feature is updated with annexations and deannexations once approved by City Council and published.
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City of Olathe is setting the standard for Excellence in Customer Service. Contact Us. Phone (913) 971-9311; Fax (913) 971-9238; www.olatheks.gov; Quick Links. Pay My Bill; First Time User; C ontact Us
WHEREAS, the Governing Body held a hearing on August 22, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. at Olathe City Hall, 100 East Santa Fe allowing all interested taxpayers desiring to be heard an opportunity to give oral testimony; and
City of Olathe
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Start New Service - Olathe, KS
No Same Day Requests for move in/out of service. The City requires a minimum of 24 hours to process requests. This excludes Saturday/Sunday and City observed holidays.
City of Olathe, Kansas adopted Resolution No. 23-1003 setting a hearing for March 7, 2023, before the Governing Body of the City at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber of Olathe City Hall, at which time the owner, her agent, any lienholders of record, and
City of Olathe
The Data Portal is the City of Olathe's central location for interactive mapping applications, open data and much more. Through this Portal, you can visualize City data in maps, charts and dashboards.
The complete text of this ordinance may be obtained or viewed free charge at the office of the Olathe City Clerk, Olathe City Hall, 100 East Santa Fe Street, Olathe, Kansas, or on the City's official website address http://
the following described property in order to collect unpaid city expenditures to remove debris and/or mow weeds shall be held on the 16th day of July 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Olathe City Hall, 100 E. Santa Fe, Olathe, Kansas:
General Scope: City Council Effective Date: 1-18-2022 Specific Subject: Olathe City Council Regular Meeting Schedule Cancellation Date: 1-2-2024 Supersedes No.: Listed Below Purpose: To set forth general public policy objectives of the city as it relates to establishing City Council