Oedipus | Story, Summary, & Facts | Britannica
Oedipus, in Greek mythology, the king of Thebes who unwittingly killed his father and married his mother. Homer related that Oedipus’s wife and mother hanged herself when the truth of their relationship became known, though Oedipus apparently continued to rule …
The Oedipus Plays: Full Book Summary - SparkNotes
A short summary of Sophocles's The Oedipus Plays. This free synopsis covers all the crucial plot points of The Oedipus Plays.
Oedipus - Wikipedia
Oedipus (UK: / ˈiːdɪpəs /, also US: / ˈɛdə -/; Ancient Greek: Οἰδίπους "swollen foot") was a mythical Greek king of Thebes. A tragic hero in Greek mythology, Oedipus fulfilled a prophecy that he would end up killing his father and marrying his mother, thereby bringing disaster to …
Oedipus Rex by Sophocles Plot Summary - LitCharts
Get all the key plot points of Sophocles's Oedipus Rex on one page. From the creators of SparkNotes.
The Story of Oedipus: The Most Tragic of All Greek Myths
Jul 20, 2024 · The story of Oedipus is perhaps the most tragic story of ancient Greece. The mythological character was the king of Thebes and lived under the shadow of a curse that could not be avoided to the end of his days.
A Summary and Analysis of the Oedipus Myth
Mar 10, 2021 · The myth of Oedipus is one of the most famous tragedies in all of classical mythology. But how did this Greek myth come about? And what does it mean? Before we address these questions, it might be worth recapping the story of Oedipus in the form of a brief plot summary: Oedipus myth: summary
The Oedipus Plays: Study Guide - SparkNotes
The Oedipus Plays, written by Sophocles in the 5th century BCE, are a trilogy of Greek tragedies consisting of Oedipus Rex (also called Oedipus the King), Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone.
The Plot of OEDIPUS THE KING - The Randolph College Greek Play
By leaving his home in Corinth, Oedipus thinks he has escaped a terrible prophecy that says that he will kill his father and marry his mother. Oedipus has defeated the riddling Sphinx, saved the seven-gated city of Thebes, and married the queen Jocasta.
A Summary and Analysis of Sophocles’ Oedipus the King
Jan 10, 2017 · Oedipus the King might also be called the first detective story in Western literature. Yet how well do we know Sophocles’ play? And what does a closer analysis of its plot features and themes reveal?
Oedipus - Greek Mythology
The son of Laius and Jocasta, King and Queen of Thebes, Oedipus is the unfortunate main protagonist of “one of the best-known of all legends” in Ancient Greek – or any other – mythology.