Oedipus Rex (Dover Thrift Editions: Plays) - amazon.com
Jun 1, 1991 · Sophocles' finest play, Oedipus Rex ranks as a towering landmark of Western drama. One of the greatest of the classic Greek tragedies and a masterpiece of dramatic construction. Catastrophe ensues when King Oedipus discovers he has inadvertently killed his father and married his mother.
- 4.4/5(624)
Oedipus Rex - standardebooks.org
Dec 10, 2024 · The cover page is adapted from Oedipus and the Sphinx, a painting completed in 1864 by Gustave Moreau. The cover and title pages feature the League Spartan and Sorts Mill Goudy typefaces created in 2014 and 2009 by The League of Moveable Type .
Aug 3, 2010 · Oedipus the King (often known by the Latin title Oedipus Rex) is an Athenian tragedy by Sophocles that was first performed c. 429 BC. It was the second of Sophocles's three Theban plays to be produced, but it comes first in the internal chronology, followed by Oedipus at Colonus and then Antigone.
Oedipus Rex – Open Textbook - Toronto Metropolitan University
Feb 15, 2022 · Written by Sophocles and first performed around 429 BC, Oedipus Rex, also known by its Greek title, Oedipus Tyrannus, or Oedipus the King, is an Athenian tragedy. Originally, to the ancient Greeks, the title was simply Oedipus, as it …
Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®
May 19, 2011 · Oedipus Rex is the greatest of the Greek tragedies, a profound meditation on the human condition. The story of the mythological king, who is doomed to kill his father and marry his mother, has resonated in world culture for almost 2,500 years.
Oedipus Rex: Sophocles: 9781774261293: Amazon.com: Books
Nov 20, 2020 · “Oedipus Rex” also known by its Greek title, “Oedipus Tyrannus” is a powerful Athenian tragedy written by Sophocles, first produced sometime around 429 BC. The story picks up with Oedipus, who has become King of Thebes after solving the Riddle of the Sphynx.
- Reviews: 99
- Author: Sophocles
The Oedipus Rex of Sophocles : Sophocles : Free Download, …
Apr 20, 2009 · Book digitized by Google from the library of Oxford University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
Oedipus Rex - Dover Publications
Considered by many the greatest of the classic Greek tragedies, Oedipus Rex is Sophocles' finest play and a work of extraordinary power and resonance. Aristotle considered it a masterpiece of dramatic construction and refers to it frequently in the Poetics.
Oedipus Rex : Sophocles : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming ...
May 11, 2010 · Oedipe roi, Oedipus (Greek mythology), Greek drama Publisher New York : Dover Publications Collection internetarchivebooks; delawarecountydistrictlibrary; americana; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 106.1M
Oedipus Rex Summary and Detailed Analysis - LitPriest
Read our complete notes on "Oedipus Rex", a famous play by Sophocles, covering Oedipus Rex summary, themes, and detailed analysis.
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