IBOLC TLP Workbook & OPORD Template - The Center for Junior …
TLP Workbook, OPORD Template, IBOLC / MCCC Study Guide Inspiring and developing junior officers through innovative, research-based approaches The Center for Junior Officers leads the Army in...
TaskOrganization: Assault_____Support_____Security_____ 1.Situation AO: Terrain/Weather: Cover: Concealment: Mission: EnemyCount:FT/SQ/PLT/BRGD
Platoon OPORD Template 2 Terrain Analysis (OAKOC) Obstacles: (Existing [natural or man-made] or Reinforcing [tactical or protective]; anything that will block, turn, disrupt or fix friendly or enemy forces) _____ _____
From October - March, the weather in the 1st AD AO impacts military operations in four ways. First, the average daytime temperatures from October - March range in the high 30s at night and mid 50s...
Cadet resources | Army ROTC - Northern Arizona University
All Forms need to be returned to NAU Army ROTC. I am an Army Cadet. Soon I will take an oath to become an Army Officer committed to defending the values which make this nation great. Honor is my Touchstone. I understand mission first and people always. I am the past – the Spirit of those warriors who have made the final sacrifice.
OPORD Template - The Company Leader
The primary author and curator of this page is an Army Officer with over a decade of Active Duty service. He has experience, as a Commander and Staff Officer, deployed and in garrison. He has operated in the CENTCOM and PACOM AORs, and has …
the OPORD for _____(type of training). Take out pen and paper, prepare to copy. Please hold all questions until the end. TASK ORGANIZATION I. SITUATION A. Enemy Forces: disposition, capabilities, probable course of action Weather: Terrain: B. Friendly Forces: Higher's mission ...
The Following OPORD Template was created for use at the Maneuver Captain’s Career Course (MCCC). It was tried and tested through the MCCC and then used during my Company Commands. It can be applied to PLT, CO, or BN Tactical Operations. As a Company Commander, I incorporated it into our Company Battle Book (SOP) with
SUT - MyPatrolBase
OPORD Shell – Bay and Field A highly detailed OPORD designed for extensive bay planning and field work. This lamination-ready product has gone through many classes at the SFQC.
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