How to Check New Jersey ID & Drivers Licenses - Stop Fakes
Discover how to spot fake New Jersey driver's licenses and ID cards to prevent underage drinking and fraud.
Penalties for Using a Fake ID in Pennsylvania and New Jersey
The State of New Jersey punishes adults possessing and using fake IDs more harshly than minors. If a minor possesses a phony ID, the penalty is less severe. You would face a maximum of six months in jail, and a fine up to $1,000 – as opposed to $15,000 – and a suspension of your driving privileges.
Charged with Using a Fake ID in New Jersey? - Rosenblum Law
Jun 13, 2019 · Possessing a fake ID is a fourth-degree crime (felony) in New Jersey, and a con viction means facing up to 18 months in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. In addition, regardless of which crime one is charged with, a person can have their driving privileges suspended for 6 months to 2 years.
NJ Laws and Penalties for Fake IDs - John W. Tumelty
Under New Jersey law, it’s unlawful to “exhibit, display, or utter” a document that falsely portrays a driver’s license, birth certificate or other official documents that can misrepresent your age and other personal identification information.
Charges and Penalties for Fake ID Crimes in New Jersey
In New Jersey, it is a crime to possess a fake ID. The charge for adult possession and/or use of a fake ID is more severe than that of a juvenile; however, both are serious and have steep penalties.
Frequently Asked Questions About Fake ID Crimes in New Jersey
What is the New Jersey Fake ID Law? Section 2C:21-2.1 of the New Jersey statutes is invoked when a person knowingly sells, possesses, or uses a fake I.D. The charges range from extremely serious to less serious depending on what the accused intended to do with the fake I.D.
Using A Fake ID? You Need to Know the Penalties In New Jersey
Anyone who tries to gain access to bars or to purchase alcohol with a fake ID needs to understand that in New Jersey, they could be facing dire consequences. This is because New Jersey laws make it illegal to create, sell, display or possess a fake ID.
A New Generation of ‘Unbeatable’ Fake IDs Is Bedeviling Bouncers
Feb 13, 2025 · The site’s owners paid more than 14 Bitcoin — worth roughly $1.3 million — to Mr. Watt, 26, who mailed the cards from public mailboxes late at night to avoid detection, the officials said.
Making a Fake ID (N.J.S.A. 2C:21-17.3a) - Rosenblum Law
Sep 19, 2019 · New Jersey criminalizes making fake IDs under N.J.S.A. 2C:21-17.3, Trafficking in Personal Identifying Information of Another. Penalties can range from as little as 18 months to as much as 10 years in prison.
Latest Alerts and Advisories | NJCCIC
Similar SMiShing scams have resurfaced, as threat actors are impersonating multiple road toll agencies nationwide to target New Jersey residents to collect personal and financial information. Threat actors also target residents in other states, including Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC.
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