Deese Clock Tower - Wikipedia
The Willie A. & Carrol C. Deese Tower, simply referred to as Deese Tower, is a free standing campanile located on the campus of North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University. …
N.C. A&T Dedicates Willie A. Deese College of Business and Economics
Feb 27, 2020 · The university’s Student Center Ballroom also bears Deese’s name, while the iconic clock tower at the center of campus is named for him and his wife. Chancellor Harold L. …
125th Anniversary - North Carolina A&T State University | NCA&T
Immediately following Convocation will be the ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony for the Deese Clock Tower. The tower is named for benefactors Willie A. and Carol C. Deese. Mr. …
WC Construction - NC A&T State University Deese Clock Tower
Topping the tower is an amplified electronically simulated carillon system which provides rich sound quality that rivals even the best of church bells. The carillon housing also allows for …
Constructing a Legacy of Learning and Life - North Carolina A&T …
The skyline of N.C. A&T has changed somewhat over the past year. The beautiful, Deese Clock Tower stands strong at the center of campus and as the university’s tallest structure. From the …
NC A&T Deese Tower - WC Construction Company
The work of this award winning project is generally described as a new carillon and clock tower that is approximately 144 square feet with a total height of 85 feet.
N.C. A&T State University takes time to honor alumnus Willie …
Mar 31, 2016 · N.C. A&T State University dedicated a clock tower on campus to honor alumnus Willie Deese and his wife Carol. The tower, which blends traditional masonry using concrete, …
VOL. 3 / NO. 2 / FEBRUARY 2020 - North Carolina A&T State …
The Deese Clock Tower. One of A&T’s most iconic structures, the 88-foot-tall campanile is the tallest point on the university’s campus. Built with a $1.3 million gift from Mr. Deese, the tower …
North Carolina A&T Clock Tower - YouTube
Kameron James reports on A&T's decision to build a clock tower. Nile Hooker and Khydra Moon share their opinions on A&T's decision.
N.C. A&T campus to get clock tower - Greensboro News and …
A&T is adding a clock tower to its Greensboro campus. The university will build its first clock tower in the Bluford Street traffic circle next year. The brick tower will stand about 85 feet...