Moss in grass in Colorado; mulch vs compost to retain soil; …
Apr 9, 2020 · What kind of mulch is used is purely personal preference, but organic mulches (wood chip, compost, grass clippings, etc.) will feed the soil. Any organic mulch that feeds the soil will have to be replaced because of decomposition. CSU has a Fact Sheet on mulch with advantages and disadvantages of all types, and a Fact Sheet on soil amendments.
mulch vs bark - Ask Extension
mulch vs compost vs bark for our existing, healthy landscape flower garden? When/why/how to use some or all of these? We applied high quality compost 1.5 yr ago when we first started the flower garden.
Coffin Butte Compost vs Barkdust - Ask Extension
Subject: [External] Re: Coffin Butte Compost vs Barkdust (#0030261) The Question Asker Replied July 07, 2021, 11:53 AM EDT Yes, it will absolutely keep weeds down as well as bark mulch, provided it does not have weed seed in it, itself.
Mulch vs Rock for Habitats - Ask Extension
Mar 28, 2024 · Thanks for the question. Using an organic mulch e.g. wood chips, compost, leaf mold or shredded bark has many advantages over rock. It will help hold in soil moisture, also insulates roots by moderating soil temperature. Rock gets hot, which is …
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We have read that they shouldn't be composted so we are currently putting them in the trash, which seems ecologically like a bad idea. What are our alternatives for reducing fire hazard of pine needles waste? We have heard of using the dry long pine needles as mulch in other areas, but want your advice. Thanks! Thanks for everything that you do!
Should we use fresh maple wood chips for garden mulch?
Nov 19, 2013 · Wood chips and sawdust residue from your recently removed maple tree are valuable commodities, but care must be used when you use them as mulch. The main concern is the carbon to nitrogen ratio in the mulch. Raw wood chips and sawdust are extremely carbonaceous, i.e., they contain very little nitrogen.
Answered Questions - ask.extension.org
We have read that they shouldn't be composted so we are currently putting them in the trash, which seems ecologically like a bad idea. What are our alternatives for reducing fire hazard of pine needles waste? We have heard of using the dry long pine needles as mulch in other areas, but want your advice. Thanks! Thanks for everything that you do!
Answered Questions - ask.extension.org
Hello! I'm a new home owner in Montgomery County Maryland and find myself facing a dizzying array of options for mulching! I know that I need to remove the existing wood chip mulch that covers Manny landscaped areas of my yard, but I'm not sure what to replace it with.
Ask Extension
Compost ratio by weight or volume ? #681276. Asked February 20, 2021, 10:48 AM EST. In your article about ...
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Hello 2 months ago my young blue spruce had on its needles many white armoured scale which I removed by hand.Later it's ilower branch inner needles got brown that are now appearing sporadically to upper branches as well a month after I sprayed with copper oxychloride.