Moville United Methodist Church
Welcome to Moville United Methodist Church. the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Teaching... Love and Forgiveness. Reaching... Out in Service to Others
Moville United Methodist Church
Moville United Methodist Church. 450 South 1st Street ~ P.O. Box 801. Moville, Iowa 51039 (712) 873-5117. [email protected]
Moville United Methodist Church
Welcome to Moville United Methodist Church. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
Moville United Methodist Church
Welcome to Moville United Methodist Church. Worshippers are encouraged to greet one another and to introduce themselves to anyone they don’t know.
Moville United Methodist Church
Ron brought us a message from 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. His sound biblical message is as relevant today as it was in the church of Corinth.
My family and I are excited to be part of the Grace United Methodist Church family. It is a new beginning for me as I serve as your pastor. I look forward to getting to know you and serving together for God’s glory. Each day we are allowed to be made new in Christ, not by our might but by surrendering and trusting Jesus, our Savior.
For news and updates regarding Moville United Methodist Church, please go to: You Tube channel: www/youtube.com Moville United Methodist Church Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/movilleumc
Moville United Methodist Church
The talented musical staff of Moville United Methodist Church continues to expand their ministries as an integral part of our worship experience. Their hard work and dedication bless all who worship here. There are several unique groups and a variety of musical offerings which are available for anyone who might be interested in participating.
Moville United Methodist Church
Moville Community Vacation Bible School June 23rd– June 27th (evening VBS) at ICC.
Moville United Methodist Church
Regularly scheduled church activities have priority over requests for building use. Funeral and memorial services always have priority, but every effort will be made to accommodate those who have an event scheduled.