If Moment of Inertia units are mm^4, how do you use it in …
Mar 15, 2011 · 1) Double checking my notes the units for the result of Moment of Inertia are [mm^4]. Perhaps it's because we're working in 2D, or haven't started calculus yet? 2) So …
What are the units for inertia? - Physics Forums
May 11, 2012 · The unit for inertia is the same as the units for mass, kg, the unit of moment of inertia is $$ kg.m^{2}$$ Inertia is the resistance to linear acceleration by a force applied to the …
Units of Inertia and Moment of Inertia - Physics Forums
Jul 26, 2016 · Yes, moment does refer to the distance from the quantity to the reference point (or the perpendicular distance to the reference axis). I call this distance the moment arm. You …
Units for moment of inertia of a circle - Physics Forums
Apr 21, 2011 · Circle Inertia Moment Moment of inertia Units Apr 21, 2011 #1 Femme_physics. Gold Member . 2,550 1. We've ...
Moment of Inertia vs. Inertia Constant - Physics Forums
Jun 17, 2014 · [tex] d) J = \text{moment of inertia for rotor } (kg m^2) [/tex] I.e. [tex] J = 2HS/\omega_0^2 [/tex] can be used to find the moment of inertia. Based on the units of a), b) …
How is moment of inertia calculated and translated between units?
May 14, 2019 · Calculating moment of inertia and translating it between units, I've become confused. The example is a mass of 1kg at 2000mm from the pivot. The force is applied at …
How to Convert Moment of Inertia from Slug-ft^2 to N-m^2
Aug 28, 2009 · Homework Statement I am asked to convert moment of inertia of a spacecraft from slug-ft^2 to N-m^2. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Is this a trick …
Elastic Section Modulus vs Moment of Inertia - Physics Forums
Aug 25, 2016 · For bodies in rotational motion, the corresponding equation is T = J α, where J is the mass moment of inertia of the body (and which has units of ML2) and α is the angular …
Why Are There Different Units for Moment of Inertia? - Physics …
Jul 21, 2015 · You are getting two different moments of inertia confused. The area moment of inertia, sometimes called the second moment of area, has units of L 4. The second moment of …
Moment of Inertia: kg mm2 vs. mm4 - Explained - Physics Forums
Jul 20, 2016 · Hello i have known moment of inertia to be kg mm2 i.e. the product of mass and distance but i was looking at the euler buckling formula and it has moment of inertia in it which …