Moine Thrust Belt - Wikipedia
The Moine Thrust Belt or Moine Thrust Zone is a linear tectonic feature in the Scottish Highlands which runs from Loch Eriboll on the north coast 190 kilometres (120 mi) southwest to the Sleat …
The Moine Thrust: An idea that unravelled mountains
Aug 8, 2018 · The main thrust, and the one that caused all the discord, is the Moine Thrust. It stretches almost 200km along northwest Scottish Highlands. Our understanding of thrust faults …
Summary of the Moine geology of the Northern Highlands of …
The Moine Thrust Zone is the westernmost and youngest of the system of Scandian thrusts on the mainland of Northern Scotland. The thrust zone at Loch Eriboll and Durness (Excursions 11 …
Structure of the Northern Moine thrust zone, Loch Eriboll, Scottish ...
Feb 5, 2019 · We present new detailed mapping and balanced/restored cross-sections to examine its structural evolution. This thrust zone comprises four major thrust slices, carried by the …
The Moine Thrust Zone: an overview | Geological Society, London ...
Detailed descriptions of the Moine Thrust Zone at Loch Eriboll are given and the relationships of the Moine Thrust Zone to other major Caledonian tectonic features of the NW Highlands are …
Moine Thrust Belt - general information - University of Leeds
Thrust belts are common components of the outer parts of many of the world's orogenic belts. One of the first to be described was the Moine Thrust Belt, following the recognition of large …
The Moine Thrust—its discovery, age, and tectonic significance
The history of the discovery of the Moine Thrust is reviewed and the origins are traced of the erroneous correlation of folding and thrusting in the Highlands. The reasons for believing that …
Chapter 5 Moine Thrust Belt - British Geological Survey
Regardless of the controversies concerning its offshore trace, the Moine Thrust Belt has achieved worldwide importance for the development and testing of key concepts in structural geology. …
The Moine Thrust - TravelingGeologist
A prominent feature in the highlands is a succession of rocks known as the Moine. The Moine was composed of metamorphic gneisses and schists on top of a series of Cambro-Ordovician rocks.
Moine Thrust (structure) - MediaWiki
The Moine Thrust is the main tectonic structure in the North West Highlands. It is a major thrust (a low angle reverse fault formed by shortening) formed during the Caledonian Orogeny during …