Mizzou // Campus Map
Click a building on the map to select it. The Building Information panel will display related details. These layers will display an info window when clicked: Accessible Parking: Number of spaces; Bike Racks: Total capacity; Road Closings: Closing information; Battery Collection Containers: Room number or location information
THE COLUMNS* (18, 3) One of the most photographed sites in Missouri, the Columns represent the core of Mizzou pride and tradition. They are all that remain of the university’s original administrative and classroom building, Academic Hall. HILL AND TOWNSEND HALLS* (47 & 156, 4) These buildings are a part of MU’s College of Education.
UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI an equal opportunity institution Please Check Information on Signs at Entrances to Parking Lots to Avoid Towing. Parking: Arrangements may be made through Parking and Transportation Services: (573) 882-4568. Information about Special Parking Arrangements for Visitors Available from Parking and Transportation Services, second
Welcome to Mizzou! - map.missouri.edu
Welcome to Mizzou! - map.missouri.edu