Missiles or Rockets - Skill Discussions - EVE Online Forums
Sep 15, 2011 · Of course there is, Rockets are smaller, Rocket launcher are smaller for smaller ships, they can hit smaller targets better. Missile have more Range, they fly longer time, so they have longer distance and do more damage. Try fit a Raven with rocket launcher instead Cruise Missiles Launcher and you will start laughing.
rockets v missiles - EVE New Citizens Q&A - EVE Online Forums
Jul 14, 2012 · Range versus damage for the most part. Rockets do more damage at shorter range. As far as PVP goes, rockets are used 99% of the time (as most frigate pvp happens within rocket range anyway.) There are very few missile kitting set ups that work, but
Torpedos vs Cruise Missiles - EVE Online Forums
Jan 29, 2015 · I'm a cruise missile aficionado. Then, I use them for missions only. Yes, I like hitting at 135k or better in missions. They're short range, too, however. A cruise missile will work point blank. Torpedos do way more damage than CMs. So, at close range, the torpedo is a better idea. And, as is said, pvp tends to be in your face.
Best Launchers for a corax? - Ships & Modules - EVE Online Forums
Jan 8, 2013 · What is the best rocket fitting T1 for a corax ? I got the Prototype 'Arbalest' Light Missile Launcher 6 But the dps is still low So what are the best Tier 1 rocket light missiles or a normal rocket launcher? Sorry guys i cant equip t2 launchers haha
Missiles vs. Assault Missiles - Ships & Modules - EVE Online Forums
Jan 17, 2014 · Sorry if this is a duplicate post. I am hoping someone can tell me the difference between standard missiles (Light Missiles, Heavy Missiles, and Cruise Missiles) and Assault Missiles (Rockets, HAMs, and Torpedoes).
Range of missiles - EVE New Citizens Q&A - EVE Online Forums
Apr 25, 2012 · Missile range = Missile Flight Time X Missile Velocity You lose a bit of range due to the fact that missile accelerate, but its not much. Train up Missile Projection and Missile Bombardment to increase range. Light missiles have the kind of range you want once you train up those skills. Topping off around 40 km with max skills including ...
Maximizing Light Missiles - Skill Discussions - EVE ... - EVE Online …
Jan 20, 2013 · For Guided Missile Precision, check the explosion radius of the missile versus the signature radius of the target: if the explosion radius is 50 and the target radius is 75, GMP is not going to help. For Target Navigation Prediction, compare the target's velocity to the missile's explosion velocity.
cruise missiles.. - Skill Discussions - EVE Online Forums
Nov 9, 2011 · A Caracal is indeed one of the best choices for a missile spamming level 2 mission boat. Assault missile launchers with ballistic control systems in your lows and rigor and/or flare rigs will improve your missile performance. Also, Guided Missiles Precision and Target Navigation Prediction will increase your effectiveness vs smaller and fast ...
Assault or heavy missiles? - Ships & Modules - EVE Online Forums
Apr 7, 2012 · As cliche as the "Get a drake" is, people say that for a reason. For level two's you can fit a rack of assault missile launchers, a stupidly strong tank and still have a full flight of light drones. Once you get up to level 3's, swap to Heavy Missiles and you're all set. Drakes can even do level 4's, but are pretty slow.
i like the direction you guys went towards balacing missile skill ...
Nov 25, 2013 · the way it should be is one trains rockets to 5 then either rage spec OR javelin spec. one shouldnt be able to use either and gain damage bonuses when one isnt trained in the details of how to use "close in missiles" vs "long range missiles (or rockets)". they are different weapons (that share a launcher). one needs training in when to shoot ...