Specifications of the Mirror Dinghy - Mirror Sailing
The Mirror is a small, light, easy to sail, easy to transport, pram dinghy. Basically a stable family boat for all ages and abilities, ideal for just "messing about", it is also raced widely and actively …
Mirror Jib | Dinghy, Keelboat and Yacht Sail Company
The latest Hyde Mirror jib, extensively developed in the 2021 season, is deeper than our previous designs resulting in early power up and exceptional pointing. Our detailed tuning guide …
The Mirror - Small Boats Magazine
The Ontario Mirror Dinghy Association website appears to be moribund. There are no classified ads any more and visitors wishing to acquire a Mirror are directed to Kijiji, eBay and Craigslist. …
Mirror (dinghy) - Wikipedia
The Mirror is a type of popular sailing dinghy with more than 70,000 built. The Mirror was named after the Daily Mirror, a UK newspaper with a largely working-class distribution. The Mirror was …
•Thread the jib sheets through the jib fairleads. The sheets should go inside the shrouds. Tie figure of eight knots in the ends of the jib sheets. •Hoist the jib by pulling the jib halyard. In light …
Mirror Dinghy Rigging Guide - Mirror Sailing
Mirror Dinghy Sailing. The Mirror is the World's most popular double handed sailing dinghy, low in price, light, seaworthy and easy to sail, the Mirror quickly achieved its objectives.
MIRROR DINGHY (INT) - sailboatdata
One of the most popular sailing dinghies in the UK, also has a presence in Australia. A fiberglass MkIII version (2007) has a re-designed layout (by Phil Morrison)and Bermudian/Marconi sloop rig.
Simple diagram of Mirror Rigging | The New Mirror Dinghy …
Nov 8, 2012 · The jib halyard is too tight for the light winds. See how the luff tape distorts the luff of the sail. The mainsail is suffering from a shrunken luff rope. What happens here is that in …
Rigging a Mirror Dinghy | The Blue Flower - sarumuse.org
Oct 2, 2012 · Then the jib: tie the luff eyelet to the same place where the forestay is fixed with a short piece of rope with two bowlines. Engage the hanks onto the forestay, unless you have a …
Jib fairleads and cleats - UK Mirror Sailing
In the early days, the 'standard' wooden Mirror dinghy was equipped with wooden jib fairleads fixed to the inner gunwale, about 305mm aft of the aft shroud block, as in the photo above. …