Minke Whale Song - Whales of Iceland
It was recently discovered that mysterious ‘boing’ sounds recorded in the Pacific Ocean were actually produced by minke whales.
Rare Antarctica Minke whale songs recorded way up in New
Dec 17, 2017 · What are the minke whales from Antarctica doing here and what are they trying to tell us? From NIWA Lauder Observatory--the beautiful music of the smartest m...
Minke Whale 'Boing' - Hawaii - HICEAS 2002 Survey - YouTube
The mysterious 'boing' sound had been recorded by the Navy for decades-- but it's source was unknown until scientists tracked the sound using a towed hydrophone array and lead experienced marine...
The Mystical Whalesong of the Minke Whale - YouTube
Discover the mysterious vocalizations of the minke whale in the ocean's depths.#MinkeWhale #WhaleSongs #OceanLife #MarineBiology #AnimalCommunication #Acoust...
Boing! It's a Minke Whale | Science - AAAS
Nov 29, 2000 · Biologists have recently learned that orcas jabber in local dialects, and humpbacks sing long complex songs that change through time (ScienceNOW, 29 November 2000). But the vocalizations of the less known minke whales have remained enigmatic.
Minke Whale "boing" on Vimeo
Common minke whale "boing" vocalizations recorded by a towed array in the North Pacific Ocean. Sound courtesy of Jay Barlow and Shannon Rankin, Southwest…
Vocalisations - Minke Whale Project
In minke whales, the sounds probably come from the larynx, although none of the baleen whales have vocal cords. Dwarf minke whales produce sounds between 50–9400 Hz, which are within human hearing range of 18 Hz–20,000 Hz.
Minke Whale song | We've had a 100% success rate on our minke whale …
We've had a 100% success rate on our minke whale trips this season! On our last trip we had some spectacular interactions, one lasting NINE HOURS with as...
Minke Whales - Discovery of Sound in the Sea
Common minke whales in the North Pacific produce a sound called the “boing.” This sound had been recorded for many years, its source unknown. In the early 2000’s, it was determined that minke whales were producing this sound.
Seeing the sounds of the sea | New Scientist
Feb 1, 2010 · To help identify species, marine biologists traditionally plot a spectrogram of an animal’s song to represent the sound visually. This is a graph of the frequency of a minke’s cries against...