World border – Minecraft Wiki
The world border is the current edge of a Minecraft dimension. The world border appears as a series of animated, diagonal, narrow stripes. The world border is tinted depending on how and if its size is changing.
World boundary – Minecraft Wiki
There are several different intended horizontal boundaries in the game. Firstly is the maximum distance nether portals can generate at in the Overworld, at X/Z ±29,999,872 blocks (128 blocks, from the 16 blocks per chunk multiplied by the 8 block multiplier).
Commands/worldborder - Minecraft Wiki
These commands control the world border. Increases or decreases the world border diameter. Recenters the world boundary. Sets the world border damage amount to the specified value. Any player outside the world border buffer takes this amount of damage per second per block past the world border buffer distance.
How to make a world border in Minecraft bedrock?
Sep 8, 2024 · Making a world border in Minecraft Bedrock is a relatively simple process. Here’s how to do it: Open the Game : Open Minecraft Bedrock on your device. Open the Chat Box : Press the / key to open the chat box. Type the Command : Type the following command /gamerule doLimitedLayers true and press Enter.
World Border - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
🌎 Allows the creation of a configurable world border, limiting the world size.
/worldborder - Minecraft Wiki
Mar 9, 2025 · These commands control the world border. Increases or decreases the world border size. Optionally, a <time> may be specified such that the border grows or shrinks from the previous size to that being set over the specified time in seconds. The border still grows or shrinks and the animation displays even if the game is paused.
World Border | Minecraft Wiki - Fandom
Players can get past the world border through various means, including: The customizable world border was added in Java Edition 1.8 snapshot 14w17a. An animated GIF of a corner of the world border. The world border shrinking. A village behind the world border. A Savannah biome behind the world border. Mobs and items float outside the border.
How to Set Up a World Border - Knowledgebase - Shockbyte
We have a video tutorial on how to set up a world border: A world border is a boundary or limit that surrounds an area of a Minecraft world that prevents players and other entities from moving beyond the border.
How to create a world border in Minecraft - Sportskeeda
Sep 2, 2021 · In Java Edition, the following chat commands will allow players to set a world border: "/worldborder center <X> <Z>" sets the center of a world border at the designated X and Z coordinates....
World Border – Technical Minecraft Wiki
There are many ways for players to go outside of the world border. Here are the easiest and most common methods: Blocks outside of the world border do not have a hitbox, this means players are unable to interact with blocks outside of the world border. Players cannot place or break blocks normally.